Lesser Hedgehog tenrec (Echinops telfairi) clambering in spiny forest vegetation at night, Ifaty, Madagascar
Adult Black And White Ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) in suspensory posture, Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar
Mossy Leaf-Tailed gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) active in forest understory at night, Masoala National Park, Madagascar
Young male Greater Bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus) in an unprotected forest administered by Association Mitsinjo between Torotorofotsy and Mantadia National Park, Madagascar
Close-up of a leaf litter Tree frog (Boophis madagascariensis), Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar
Mossy Leaf-Tailed gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) cleaning eye with tongue in forest understory at night, Masoala National Park, Madagascar
Close-up of Mossy Leaf-tailed Geckos (Uroplatus sikorae)
Adult male Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) feeding in mangrove forest, Bako National Park, Sarawak State, Island of Borneo, Malaysia
Juvenile Sumatran Orang-Utan (Pongo abelii) in a zoo, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Close-up of a Cotton-Eared marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Female Ring-Tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) running in a field, Berenty Private Reserve, Madagascar
Endemic colubrid snake (Ithycyphus goudoti) (non-Venomous) emerging from tree hole, Zombitse National Park, Madagascar