Portrait of short-haired young woman wearing vest
Young women looking away while sitting outdoors
Louis XIV, King of France 1701 Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743/French) Musee du Louvre, Paris
An Elvis impersonator dancing
Young woman dancing in a club
Three young women romancing together
L'Arlesienne: Madame van GoghL'Arlesienne: Madame Joseph Michel Ginoux 1888 Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890/ Dutch) Oil on canvas Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Paddy Carr (Creek Interpreter)by KingPaddy Carr (Creek Interpreter) by Charles Bird King, lithograph, 1785-1862, Private Collection
Ap-pa-noo-se (Saukie Chief) by KingAp-pa-noo-se (Saukie Chief) by Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862)
Spring Frog (Cherokee Chief) by KingSpring Frog (Cherokee Chief) by Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862)
Chittee Yoholo (Seminole Chief) by KingChittee Yoholo (Seminole Chief) by Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862)
Tuko-see-mathla (Seminole Chief)by KingTuko-see-mathla (Seminole Chief 1824-1833) Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862)
McIntosh (Coweta Chief) by KingMcIntosh (Coweta Chief) by Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862)
Yaha Hajo - Chief of the Creek Nation by Charles Bird King from Pablo Prints, lithograph, (1785-1862), Private Collection
The Painter Georges Pierre SeuratThe Painter Aman-Jean as a Clown (La Peintre Aman-Jean en Peirrot) 1884 Georges Pierre Seurat (1859-1891/French) Private Collection, Paris
Woman in redWoman in Red Dress, Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Repose by SargentRepose D.1911 John Singer Sargent (1856-1925/American) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. USA
Tahitian Women (On the Beach) by GauguinTahitian Women (On the Beach), 1891, Paul Gauguin (1848-1903/French), Musee d'Orsay
Man Seated by Roger de la FresnayeMan Seated L'Homme Assis Roger de la Fresnaye (1885-1925 French) Musee National d Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Demon Seated 1890 Mihail Aleksandrovic Vrubel (1856-1910 Russian) Oil On Canvas Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Head of Christ by RembrandtHead of Christ Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669/ Dutch) Oil on canvas
Complements by GG KopilakComplements 1984 GG Kopilak (b.1942/American) Pastel Private Collection
The Four Evangelists by Jacob JordaensFOUR EVANGELISTS, THE OIL ON CANVAS Jordaens, Jacob 1593 d1678 Flemish Musee du Louvre, Paris