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Book Collection

Background imageBook Collection: Portrait of a young man. (Matteo Sofferoni). 1522. ( Franciabigio; 1482 - Florence 1525)

Portrait of a young man. (Matteo Sofferoni). 1522. ( Franciabigio; 1482 - Florence 1525)

Background imageBook Collection: Tree young students sitting on wall and reading books

Tree young students sitting on wall and reading books

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Paul in Prison by Rembrandt

Saint Paul in Prison by Rembrandt
Saint Paul in Prison 1627 Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669 Dutch) Oil on panel Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany

Background imageBook Collection: The Virgin with Animals by Durer

The Virgin with Animals by Durer
The Virgin with Animals 1503 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528/German) Ink with Watercolor Graphische Sammlung, Albertina, Vienna, Austria

Background imageBook Collection: The Artist's Studio by Jan Vermeer

The Artist's Studio by Jan Vermeer
The Artist's Studio Jan Vermeer (1632-1675/Dutch) Oil on canvas Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Background imageBook Collection: L'Arlesienne: Madame van Gogh

L'Arlesienne: Madame van Gogh
L'Arlesienne: Madame Joseph Michel Ginoux 1888 Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890/ Dutch) Oil on canvas Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Background imageBook Collection: Saints Monica, Jerome, Nicholas and Ursula

Saints Monica, Jerome, Nicholas and Ursula Giovanni Cima da Conegliano (ca.1459-1517 Italian) Oil On Burlap Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints

Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints Vincenzo Foppa (1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Vincent Ferrer by Bellini

Saint Vincent Ferrer by Bellini
Saint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Tempera on wood San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna and Child with Blessed Stephen by Ambrogio da Fossano

Madonna and Child with Blessed Stephen by Ambrogio da Fossano, 1481-1522, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera

Background imageBook Collection: Giving of the Keys by Veneziano

Giving of the Keys by Veneziano
Giving of the Keys Lorenzo Veneziano (active 1356-1372 Italian) Tempera on wood Museo Correr, Venice, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Pellegrino Of Forli Antonio da Firenze

Saint Pellegrino Of Forli Antonio da Firenze (14th C./Italian) Santa Elena, Venice, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Jerome - Detail From A Polyptych

Saint Jerome - Detail From A Polyptych Master of Roncaiette (15th C./Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Roncaiette Parish, Padua, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Fornari Polyptych-Madonna & Child On Throne St. John The Baptist And Gerolamo

Fornari Polyptych-Madonna & Child On Throne St. John The Baptist And Gerolamo Foppa, Vincenzo(1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Savona, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: La Disputa (Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament)

La Disputa (Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament) 1508-11 Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Fresco Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican City

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna della Neve by Sassetta

Madonna della Neve by Sassetta, 1430-32, (1394-1450), Italy, Florence, Palazzo Pitti

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna and Child by Master of Ronaiette

Madonna and Child by Master of Ronaiette
Italy, Padua, Madonna and Child by Master of Roncaiette, detail from Polyptych, oil on wood panel

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Bartholomew - Detail from a Polyptych by Roncaiette

Saint Bartholomew - Detail from a Polyptych by Roncaiette
Italy, Padua, Saint Bartholomew by Master of Roncaiette, detail from Polyptych

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Cassian in the Cathedral by Aspertini

Saint Cassian in the Cathedral by Aspertini
Saint Cassian in the Cathedral by Amico Aspertini, 1475-1552, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca Di Brera

Background imageBook Collection: Carpet Page from Book of Durrow

Carpet Page from Book of Durrow ca. 660-80 Celtic Art Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Background imageBook Collection: St. Jerome in the Desert by Foppa

St. Jerome in the Desert by Foppa
St. Jerome in desert by Vincenzo Foppa, 1427/30-1515/16, Italy, Bergamo, Accademia Carrara

Background imageBook Collection: Still Life: Shelf with Books

Still Life: Shelf with Books Master of The Aix Annunciation 15th C.- French

Background imageBook Collection: Apse Mosaic (Detail)

Apse Mosaic (Detail)
Detail from Apse Mosaic, Roman Art, Italy, Rome, Basilica di San Paolo Fuori le Mura

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Mark by Guariento di Arpo

Saint Mark by Guariento di Arpo
Saint Mark Guariento di Arpo (ca. 1338-1378 Italian) Oil on board Civic Museum, Padua, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Portrait of a Scholar by Rembrandt

Portrait of a Scholar by Rembrandt
Portrait of a Scholar Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669/ Dutch) Oil on canvas Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageBook Collection: St. Luke, Madonna, John the Baptist and St. Mark

St. Luke, Madonna, John the Baptist and St. Mark by Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano, oil on burlap, ca. 1459-1517, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna del Libro by Sandro Botticelli

Madonna del Libro by Sandro Botticelli
Madonna del Libro 1480 Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510/ Italian) Tempera on Wood Panel Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Laurence (Detail from a Polyptych)

Saint Laurence (Detail from a Polyptych)
Saint Laurence, from Polyptych by Master of Roncaiette, oil on wood panel, (15th Century), Roncaiette Parish

Background imageBook Collection: The Friar's Visit by Pietro Longhi

The Friar's Visit by Pietro Longhi, 1702-1785, Italy, Venice, Correr Civic Museum

Background imageBook Collection: The Reader by Jean Jacques Henner

The Reader by Jean Jacques Henner
The Reader (La Liseuse) Jean Jacques Henner (1829-1905/French) Musee d'Orsay, Paris

Background imageBook Collection: Damnation Obadiah Print Henry William Bunbury

Damnation Obadiah Print Henry William Bunbury
The Damnation of Obadiah, Print made by Henry William Bunbury, 1750-1811, British, between 1773 and 1817, Hand-colored etching on moderately thick, slightly textured, cream wove paper

Background imageBook Collection: Lady Betty Germain Bedroom Knole Kent James Holland

Lady Betty Germain Bedroom Knole Kent James Holland
The Lady Betty Germain Bedroom at Knole, Kent, James Holland, 1799-1870, British, 1845, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 27 x 37 1/2 inches (68.6 x 95.3 cm), bedroom, book, candles, chairs, costume

Background imageBook Collection: First Book Urizen Plate 2 Preludium Book Bentley 2a

First Book Urizen Plate 2 Preludium Book Bentley 2a
The First Book of Urizen, Plate 2, Preludium to the Book of Urizen (Bentley 2a), Print made by William Blake, 1757-1827, British, 1794

Background imageBook Collection: Young Woman Reading by Cassatt

Young Woman Reading by Cassatt
Young Woman Reading 1876 Mary Cassatt (1845-1926 American) Oil on canvas Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Background imageBook Collection: Tropical Beach

Tropical Beach
Book resting on empty chair on tropical beach

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna & Child by Eyck (After)

Madonna & Child by Eyck (After)
Madonna & Child 1433 Jan van Eyck (After) (1390-1441 Flemish) Oil on wood National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Background imageBook Collection: The Virgin by Eyck

The Virgin by Eyck
The Virgin- Ghent Altarpiece Jan Van Eyck (1390-1441 Flemish) Cathedral Of St. Bavo, Ghent, Belgium

Background imageBook Collection: The Country School by Homer

The Country School by Homer
The Country School 1871 Winslow Homer (1836-1910/American) St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Background imageBook Collection: Betsy Ross Shows Washington the Stars & Stripes by Moran

Betsy Ross Shows Washington the Stars & Stripes by Moran
Betsy Ross Shows Washington the Stars and Stripes Edward Percy Moran (1862-1935/American)

Background imageBook Collection: Still Life: Vase with Oleander and Books by van Gogh

Still Life: Vase with Oleander and Books by van Gogh
Still Life: Vase with Oleanders and Books 1888 Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890 Dutch) Oil on canvas

Background imageBook Collection: Songs Innocence Experience Pl 2 Title Page Woman

Songs Innocence Experience Pl 2 Title Page Woman
Songs of Innocence and Experience, pl. 2: Innocence, Title Page: A woman in a chair shows a book to a boy and girl. unknown artist, after William Blake, 1757-1827, British, ca

Background imageBook Collection: Songs Innocence Plate 2 Title Page Bentley 3

Songs Innocence Plate 2 Title Page Bentley 3
Songs of Innocence, Plate 2, Title Page (Bentley 3), Print made by William Blake, 1757-1827, British, 1789, Relief etching printed in brown with watercolor on moderately thick, slightly textured

Background imageBook Collection: Title Page Illustrations Book Job Circle John Linnell

Title Page Illustrations Book Job Circle John Linnell
Title Page: Illustrations of the Book of Job, circle of John Linnell, 1792-1882, British, after William Blake, 1757-1827, British, after 1825, Watercolor and black ink on moderately thick

Background imageBook Collection: Book Thel Plate 2 Title Page Print William Blake

Book Thel Plate 2 Title Page Print William Blake
The Book of Thel, Plate 2, Title Page, Print made by William Blake, 1757-1827, British, 1789, Relief etching printed in brown with pen and ink and watercolor on moderately thick, slightly textured

Background imageBook Collection: Gutenberg Bible

Gutenberg Bible 1456 Johann Gutenberg (ca.1397-1468 German)

Background imageBook Collection: Polittico di San Luca part Andrea Mantegna

Polittico di San Luca part Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Polittico di San Luca part Andrea Mantegna

Polittico di San Luca part Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Drafting the Declaration of Independence by Ferris

Drafting the Declaration of Independence by Ferris
Drafting the Declaration of Independence Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930/American)

Background imageBook Collection: Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints by Foppa

Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints by Foppa
Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints Vincenzo Foppa (ca. 1427-ca. 1515/Italian) Tempera on wood Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia

Background imageBook Collection: Assumption & Annunciation (Detail)

Assumption & Annunciation (Detail) Lippi, Filippino(1457/8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Altarpiece Of Saint Christina Pala Di Santa Cristina

Altarpiece Of Saint Christina Pala Di Santa Cristina Lorenzo Lotto (ca.1480-1556 Italian) Oil On Wood Chiesa di Santa Cristina, Quinto, Treviso, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Singing Angels - Ghent Altarpiece

Singing Angels - Ghent Altarpiece c. 1432 Hubert van Eyck (1366-1426/Netherlandish) and Jan van Eyck (1390-1441/Flemish) Oil on Wood Panel Cathedral of St. Bavo, Ghent, Belgium

Background imageBook Collection: Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics

Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy

Background imageBook Collection: Christ Among Saints by Giovanni

Christ Among Saints by Giovanni Bonconsiglio, oil on wood, Italy, Venice, Santo Spirito church

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna and Child by Jacopo Bellini

Madonna and Child by Jacopo Bellini
Madonna and Child, by Jacopo Bellini, (1400-1470), France, Paris, Musee du Louvre

Background imageBook Collection: The Annunciation by T.d'Errico Hendricksz. Dirck

The Annunciation by T.d'Errico Hendricksz. Dirck
The Annunciation by Teodoro d'Errico Dirck Hendricksz, oil on wood, (circa 1550-1618), Italy, Napoli, Curia Vescoville

Background imageBook Collection: Detail of Saint Girolamo by Vincenzo Foppa

Detail of Saint Girolamo by Vincenzo Foppa
Fornari Polytych - Detail of Saint Girolamo Vincenzo Foppa (ca. 1427- ca. 1515/Italian) Tempera on Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Savona

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Jerome of Tolosa by Filippo Mazzola

Saint Jerome of Tolosa by Filippo Mazzola
Saint Jerome of Tolosa, by Filippo Mazzola, oil on wood panel, (1460-1503), Casa di Riposo

Background imageBook Collection: Madonna and Child with Saints by Cariani

Madonna and Child with Saints by Cariani
Madonna and Child with Saints by Giovanni Busi Cariani, 16th century

Background imageBook Collection: Professor in his Studio (Artist Unknown )

Professor in his Studio (Artist Unknown )
Professor in his Studio by unknown artist, fresco, Artist Unknown, Italy, Padua, San Giovanni Verdara

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Jerome Removes the Thorn from the Lion's Paw (Detail)

Saint Jerome Removes the Thorn from the Lion's Paw (Detail) by Nicolo Antonio Colantonio, 1445, (circa 1420-circa 1460), Italy, Naples, Capodimonte Gallery

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Theodore by Vincenzo Foppa

Saint Theodore by Vincenzo Foppa (ca. 1427- ca. 1515/Italian) Tempera on Wood, (circa1427- circa 1515), Italy, Milan, Castello Sforzesco, Pinacoteca Civica

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Augustine by Vincenzo Foppa

Saint Augustine by Vincenzo Foppa
Saint Augustine Sant Agostino Vincenzo Foppa (ca. 1427- ca. 1515/Italian) Tempera on Wood Pinacoteca Civica Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Background imageBook Collection: Saint Ludovico by Filippo Mazzola

Saint Ludovico by Filippo Mazzola
Saint Ludovico, by Filippo Mazzola, oil on wood panel, (1503-1540), Casa di Riposo

Background imageBook Collection: The Four Evangelists by Jacob Jordaens

The Four Evangelists by Jacob Jordaens
FOUR EVANGELISTS, THE OIL ON CANVAS Jordaens, Jacob 1593 d1678 Flemish Musee du Louvre, Paris

Background imageBook Collection: The Library by Felix Edouard Vallotton

The Library by Felix Edouard Vallotton
The Library Felix Edouard Vallotton (1865-1925/Swiss) Musee du Prieure, St. Germain-en-Laye

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