Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchellii) mother and foal in tall grass, Rietvlei Nature Reserve, South Africa
Burchell's Zebra Equus Burchelli} at sunset. Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) in veld. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve. Howick. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa
Plains zebra, common zebra or Burchell's zebra (Equus quagga)Plains zebra, common zebra or Burchell's zebra (Equus quagga, formerly Equus burchellii). Okavango Delta. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli). Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve. Howick. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Blesbok (Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi) and Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) herds with the Howick Falls in the background. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve. Howick. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) herd with the Howick Falls in the background. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve. Howick. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
4311, 4311-269Zebra and Young Foal
A Plains Zebra Bears Scars of a Lion Attack
Burchell's Zebra Equus Burchelli}. Songimvelo Game Reserve. Near Barbeton. Mpumalanga. South Africa
A Small Herd of Zebra Kick Up Some Dust While Running
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) herd in veld. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) drinking at waterhole. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) in Veld. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) at waterhole in Majale River. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) and Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) running at Nel's Vlei. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) foals in veld. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli) standing in Mopane Trees (Colophospermum mopane). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana