St. Peter The Martyr and Saints by ConeglianoSt. Peter The Martyr and Saints by Giovanni Cima da Conegliano, ca.1459-ca.1517, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca Di Brera
Angel Guariento di Arpo (ca.1338-ca.1378 Italian) Oil On Board Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Angel by di ArpoAngel by Guariento di Arpo, tempera on board, 1354, 1338-1378, Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
christmas catChristmas and Halloween cat looking at camera with moon behind digital illustration
The Kiss by Francesco HayezThe Kiss Francesco Hayez (1791-1882/Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
Buffalo herd wallowing. MalaMala Game Reserve. Mpumalanga. South Africa
Buffalo scratching against tree stump. MalaMala Game Reserve. Mpumalanga. South Africa
Washington, George, In Prayer At Valley Forge by WeberWashington, George, In Prayer At Valley Forge Paul Weber and L Sachs
View. Shamwari Nature Reserve. Eastern Cape. South Africa
Buffalo Herd in veld. Hluhluwe Umfoloza Park. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa s-v1.0
Buffalo wallowing. MalaMala Game Reserve. Mpumalanga. South Africa
Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Cape Point Ostrich Farm. Cape Town. Western Cape. South Africa
Hamerkop with buffao in background. MalaMala Game Reserve. Mpumalanga. South Africa