Photographer request SC 2024)8
Male White tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) catching food, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Long-Tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) on a branch, Borneo and Langkawi, Malaysia
Close-up of a Spangled cotinga (Cotinga cayana) perching on branch in a zoo, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
Close-up of a Southern Crowned pigeon (Goura scheepmakeri), Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
Feathers of male Bornean Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron schleiermacheri) at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
Nicobar pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica) perching on a tree branch, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
Close-up of a male Babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis), Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Young Western Lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) orphaned by bushmeat hunters, Evengue Lodge, Gabon
Female White tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in captivity at Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Juvenile Sumatran Orang-Utan (Pongo abelii) in a zoo, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Close-up of a Cotton-Eared marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Male jaguar (Panthera onca) in forest setting, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Malayan Giant River Terrapin (Orlitia borneensis) swimming underwater, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Male White tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in captivity at Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Greater Flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) hanging upside down on a branch, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Male Babirusas (Babyrousa celebensis) in a zoo, Singapore Zoo, Singapore
Close-up of a Green iguana (Iguana iguana), Singapore Zoo, Singapore