Mashatu Game ReserveOstrich (Struthio camelus) male, female and chicks. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveBaobab, Kremetart, Kuka, Seboi, Mowana, Shimuwu or Muvhuyu (Adansonia digitata) at night with the Milky Way. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveCrested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillantii). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveYellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis feeding. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveAfrican Elephant (Loxodonta africana) dringing at twylight. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveBaobab, Kremetart, Kuka, Seboi, Mowana, Shimuwu or Muvhuyu (Adansonia digitata) at sunset. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveWater hole scene with Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis), Marabou Stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) and a Leadwood, Hardekool, Mohwelere-thipi, Motswiri or Impondondlovu (Combretum imberbe) tree
Mashatu Game ReserveBaobab, Kremetart, Kuka, Seboi, Mowana, Shimuwu or Muvhuyu (Adansonia digitata). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveRed-billed Hornbill (Tockus erythrorhynchus). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Shepherd's tree (Boscia albitrunca). Augrabies National Park. Northern Cape. South Africa
Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) midden. Augrabies National Park. Northern Cape. South Africa
MabibiSeascape. Thonga Beach Lodge. Mabibi. Maputaland. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Euphorbia sp andOrange River scene between Kakamaz and Keimoes. Northern Cape. South Africa
Mashatu Game ReserveGreat White pelican, Eastern White Pelican, Rosy Pelican or White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveOstrich (Struthio camelus) male. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveLong-tailed Starling (Aplonis magna). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveOstrich (Struthio camelus) female and chicks. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveBurchell's Coucal (Centropus burchell). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Mashatu Game ReserveBaobab, Kremetart, Kuka, Seboi, Mowana, Shimuwu or Muvhuyu (Adansonia digitata) at night. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
MabibiCostal view showing Inkberry, Beachberry, Gullfeed, Half Flower or Waxy Bush (Scaevola plumieri). Thonga Beach Lodge. Mabibi. Maputaland. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Great Egret (Ardea alba) also known as Common Egret, Large Egret or Great White Egret) in flight on the shores of Lake Jozini (pongolapoort Dam) at White Elephant Lodge. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Mashatu Game ReserveSaddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) catching Barbel. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Kosi Bay. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Swamp or hippo fig (Ficus trichopoda). Kosi Bay. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Shepherd's tree, Witgat, Mohlpi, Motlhpi, Muvhombwe, Umgqomogqomo or mvithi (Boscia albitrunca). Madikwe Game Reserve. North West Province. South Africa
Water Lily. Kosi Bay. Isimangaliso Wetland Park. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Grey Go-away-bird, goaway bird Grey Lourie, Grey Loerie, or Kwvol (Corythaixoides concolor). Madikwe Game Reserve. North West Province. South Africa
Fork-tailed Drongo, also called the Common Drongo, African Drongo, or Savanna Drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis). Madikwe Game Reserve. North West Province. South Africa
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) herd. Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary. Malkerns. Swaziland
Lion (Panthera leo) male coalition drinking. Phinda / Munyawana / Zuka Game Reserve. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Plains Zebra (Equus quagga, formerly Equus burchelli), also common or Burchell's zebra, and blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), also common or the white-bearded wildebeest
Wild-pear (Dombeya rotundifolia) flowers. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
White-faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) in flight. Lake Jozini (pongolapoort Dam) at White Elephant Lodge. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Karkloof Falls. Howick. KwaZulu Natal Midlands. South Africa
White rhino or square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) on the shores of Lake Jozini (pongolapoort Dam). KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Woodhouse Falls on the Karkloof River near Howick. KwaZulu Natal Midlands. South Africa
Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) on the shores of Lake Jozini (pongolapoort Dam) at White Elephant Lodge. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Woodhouse Falls. Howick. KwaZulu Natal Midlands. South Africa
Acacia sp at sunset. Madikwe Game Reserve. North West Province. South Africa
Wild Dagga PhotographLion's Tail or Wild Dagga (Leonotis leonurus) flower. Howick. KwaZulu Natal Midlands. South Africa
Seaweed weashed up on shore that is collected by Tsonga people to be sold as uMuthi (medicine). Kosi Bay. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
False Bay Park shoreline. Hluhluwe. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa
Sunrise over Hell's Gates at False Bay Park. Hluhluwe. KwaZulu Natal. South Africa