Fashionable woman day dreaming while leaning on railing at rooftop during sunset
Female friends holding hands of each other
The Artist's Studio by Jan VermeerThe Artist's Studio Jan Vermeer (1632-1675/Dutch) Oil on canvas Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
White Flight 2005 Gil Mayers (b)White Flight 2005 Gil Mayers (b.1947 American) Acrylic On Panel Private Collection
English Merchant Ship Malabar William ClarkThe English Merchant Ship Malabar, William Clark, 1803-1883, British, 1836, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 24 1/4 36 inches (61.6 91.4 cm), boat, brig, checked, checkered, English, flags, lighthouse
Madonna on the Steps by KopilakMadonna on the Steps by GG Kopilak, oil on canvas, 1990, Private Collection
Your Move by KopilakYour Move 1990 GG Kopilak (1942/American) Oil on canvas Private Collection
Apres Ski by KopilakApres Ski 1980 GG Kopilak (b.1942/American) Pastel Private Collection