The Main Boulevards by Pierre-Auguste RenoirThe Main Boulevards 1875 Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919/French) McIlhenny Collection, Philadelphia
Healing of the Woman with... by James J. TissotHealing of the Woman with an Issue of Blood James Tissot (1836-1902 French)
Solomon Dedicates the Temple at Jerusalem by TissotSolomon Dedicates the Temple at Jerusalem James Tissot (1836-1902 French) Jewish Museum, New York, USA
Dempsey and Firpo by George BellowsDempsey and Firpo George Bellows (1882-1925/American)
Saint Paul Preaching in Ephesus by Le SueurSaint Paul Preaching in Ephesus 1649 Eustache Le Sueur (1617-1655/ French) Oil on wood panel Musee du Louvre, Paris
Recovery of a Society by Kasimir MalevichRecovery of a Society 1908 Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935/Russian) Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg
On the Beach, Eugene Louis BoudinOn the Beach, Sunset Eugene Louis Boudin (1824-1898/French) Oil on canvas Annenberg Collection, Palm Springs, California
The Umbrellas by Pierre-Auguste RenoirThe Umbrellas c. 1883 Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919 French) Oil on canvas National Gallery, London, England
Saint Roch Visiting the Plague Victims /BassanoSaint Roch Visiting the Plague Victims Jacopo Bassano (c. 1510-1592/ Venetian) Oil on Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan