The Serval (Felis Serval) 1883 Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915 American) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia USA
Australian Blue Heeler in Field of Grass
A Parson Jack Russell Terrier Stands at the Crest of Light and Shadow in Colorado's Great Sand Dunes
King of the Sand Mountain
christmas catChristmas and Halloween cat looking at camera with moon behind digital illustration
Grazing Roosevelt Elk
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) in veld in early morning. Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) male testing female to see if she is in oestrus. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Big Boy... "Avalanche, " champion White Flemish Giant, tips the scale at 21 pounds
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) in veld. The one on the left is showing agression to a Blackbacked Jackal (Canis mesomelas) out of picture. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) lying in veld. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) in veld in early morning. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Bat-Eared Fox (Otocyon meaglotis) in veld. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana