England, Norfolk, Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) feathers from neck
Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Nineteenth CenturyGreater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, unknown artist, nineteenth century, after Edward Lear, 1812-1888, British, ca
4313, 4313-991Photographer request SC 2024)8
Photographer request SC 2024)8
Osceola (Seminole) by Charles Bird KingOsceola (Seminole) Charles Bird King (1785-1862/American) Lithograph Private Collection
Mute Swan, British Columbia
Marsh wren, British Columbia
White Cloud, Chief of the Iowas by George CatlinWhite Cloud, Chief of the Iowas George Catlin (1794-1872/American) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C
Peacock Peahen Parrots Canary Birds Park Jacob BogdaniPeacock, peahen, parrots, canary, and other birds in a park, Jacob Bogdani, 1660-1724, Hungarian, active in Britain (from 1688), between 1708 and 1710, Oil on canvas
Great Blue Heron Scans an Everglades Pond For Prey
Snowy Egret Basks in the Light of an Everglades Morning
England, Norfolk, Eurasian Jay's (Garrulus glandarius) wing feathers
England, Norfolk, Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) feathers
England, Norfolk, Eurasian Jay's (Garrulus glandarius) head feathers
Red-Plumed Bird-of-Paradise Paradisea Apoda RaggianaRed-Plumed Bird-of-Paradise (Paradisea Apoda Raggiana), Southeastern New Guinea, John Collet, (), ca
Detail of American Blue Backed Pheasant feathers, Norfolk, England
Close-up of Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa), Norfolk, England
Parrot on Kauai
Kauai feral chicken