BLD013406Close up of baby's hand holding adult's hand
Aerial of BeachAerial of waves washing on to the beach and a lone Surf Lifesaving flag planted in the sand
YesDesaturated shot of mixed-race woman and Black man with gold painted hands holding hands
YesClose-up shot of mixed race and Caucasian women's legs and gold painted feet on black background
Rugged coastline - B&WWaves gently washing onto rocky formations on the sand - B&W
Leopard Panthera Pardus} cub. Lower Zambezi National Park. Zambia
YesClose-up shot of group's gold painted hands on top of another against black background
YesDetail shot of mixed-race woman and Black man with gold painted hands holding hands
YesDesaturated/detail shot of Black man's hand holding gold painted sneakers in front of white board