George Washington At Valley Forge Frederick Coffay Yohn (1875-1933 American)
Rear view of engineers working in a drafting room, Consolidated Engineering Company, Rochester, New York State, USA
The Charity of St. Anthony by LottoThe Charity of St. Anthony Lorenzo Lotto (ca.1480-1556 Italian) Oil on canvas San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
Jesus and the Children Hugo Vogel (1855-1920 German)
Grant and His Generals Ole Peter Hansen Balling (1823-1906)
Lieut. General Ulysses S. Grant, Engraving by J.C. Buttre from a Photograph by Mathew B. Brady, 1865
Royalty At Washington's Tomb -- At the tomb of George Washington *****, are (left to right), Queen Elizabeth and ***** of England; President Franklin D. Roosevelt ***** Gen
***** Joan McCann threw her sailor partner as only ***** hepcats could. To add to the hazards of jiveing with ***** the aircraft lift was raised and lowered several times. June 28, 1947
Where Do We Come From What Are We Where Are We Going; 1897-98; Oil on canvas Paul Gauguin French; 1848-1903
Capture of The Pirate Blackbeard 1718 Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930/American)
English rock and roll band The Beatles performing at Washington Coliseum, Washington, D.C. USA, Marion S. Trikosko, U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection, February 11, 1964
The dogs turning into the straight at Wembley Stadium while the thousands watch and wait. September 2, 1947
Marching, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Suffragette Demonstration in London, 1908 Artist Unknown
The Fountains Hubert Robert (1733-1808 French)
Soldiers of The 153rd Infantry Regiment in uniforms, Strasbourg, Alsace, France
Couples dancing in a club, Cuba
Burning of the Frigate Philadelphia by MoranBurning of the Frigate Philadelphia Tripoli Harbor, Feb 16, 1804 Edward Moran (1829-1901/American)
Captain William Kidd In New York Harbor by FerrisCaptain William Kidd In New York Harbor Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930 American)
Taking Out the Boat by BastidaTaking Out the Boat Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923/Spanish)
In Venice by CanalettoIn Venice Canaletto (1697-1768/Italian)
The Virgin with Animals by DurerThe Virgin with Animals 1503 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528/German) Ink with Watercolor Graphische Sammlung, Albertina, Vienna, Austria
Dismounted: The 4th Troopers Moving by RemingtonDismounted: The 4th Troopers Moving Frederic Remington (1861-1909 American)
Title Unknown (Cowboys) Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926 American)
The Cafe Concert by ManetThe Cafe Concert 1879 Edouard Manet (1832-1883 French) Oil on canvas Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Laocoon by El GrecoLaocoon 1610-14 El Greco (1541-1614/Greek) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. USA
Platte River by BierstadtPlatte River 1863 Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902 American) Amherst Library, New York
The Gloomy Day by Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Gloomy Day 1565 Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca.1525-1569/Flemish) Oil on Wood Panel Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
The Acropolis David Roberts (1796-1864 Scottish) Oil On Canvas David David Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Fort MacKenzie, August 28th, 1833 From: M. Van De Weis. Travels in the Interior of North America c.1839-41 Bodmer Prints Illustration
Miracle of Saint Mark by Jacopo TintorettoMiracle of Saint Mark 1548 Jacopo Tintoretto (1519-1594 Italian) Oil On Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Landscape With The Story Of The Maddalena Polidoro da Caravaggio (1497-1543 Italian) San Silvestro al Quirinale, Rome, Italy
The Meeting Of Anthony & Cleopatra (detail) Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770 Italian) Fresco Palazzo Labia, Venice, Italy
Trial of Saint George Detail Altichiero (14th C./Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Detail Of Galatea - From The Birth Of Galatea Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Villa Farnesina, Sala di Galatea, Rome, Italy
Christ The Redeemer With Saints 820 AD Artist Unknown Mosaic
Story of St. Luke - Detail Giovanni Storlato (15th C./Italian) Fresco Santa Giustina, Padua, Italy
Attack Of A Fort Jan Griffier I (ca.1645-1718 Dutch)
View Of The Ancient Bridge On The Po River Bernardo Bellotto (1721-1780 Italian) Oil On Canvas Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Landscape With Peasants & Livestock Bruegel (Attributed)
Christ With Saints Mosaic Apse 526-530 AD Artist Unknown Mosaic
Pillars Of San Lorenzo In Milan Giovanni Migliara (1785-1837 Italian) Oil On Canvas Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Saint Peter Pays the Tribute Money Mattia Preti (1613-1699 Italian) Oil On Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Apse With Christ Encircled By Angels, Saints, Madonna And Cross Of Jerusalem (Detail #2) 1288-94 Jacopo Torriti (13th C. Italian) Mosaic
St. Bennone Receives the Keys of Meissen Carlo Saraceni (ca.1579-1620 Italian) Santa Maria dell'Anima, Rome, Italy
Interior Of A Tavern David Teniers II (1610-1690 Flemish)
Redemption Of The Soul In Purgatory Artist Unknown
Madonna & Child With Angels (detail) Apse Mosaic 814-824 Roman Art Mosaic
Landscape With The Story Of Catherine of Siena Polidoro da Caravaggio (1497-1543 Italian) San Silvestro al Quirinale, Rome, Italy
Strozzi Francesco Pagano (da Napoli) (15th C Italian) Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy
View Of Venice #2 Canaletto(1697-1768 Italian) Oil On Canvas Museo Civico Correr, Venice, Italy
Hotel lit up at night, Hyatt Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA
Madonna and Child with Saints by MonverdeMadonna and Child with Saints Luca Monverde (ca.1500-1525/26 Italian) Sanctuary Madonna of the Mercy, Udine, Italy
St. Jerome Brings the Lion Into the Monastery by CarpaccioSt. Jerome Brings the Lion Into the Monastery Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone, Venice, Italy
Madonna of Humility Tryptich School of Padua (15th C. Italian) Tempera/Wood Panel Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Episodes of the Life of Saint Vincent Ferrer by BelliniEpisodes of the Life of Saint Vincent Ferrer Polyptych of Saint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Tempera on wood San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
Story of Saint Luca Giovanni Storlato (15th C./Italian) Fresco Santa Giustina, Padua, Italy
Presentation of Mary at the Temple by CarpaccioPresentation of Mary at the Temple 1500-1510 Vittore Carpaccio (ca. 1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Fornari Polyptych-Madonna & Child On Throne St. John The Baptist And Gerolamo Foppa, Vincenzo(1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Savona, Italy
Eternal Father in Glory Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734 Italian) Oil On Canvas
Trial of Saint Lucy Altichiero (14th C./Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
View of the Outskirts of London by GruffierView of the Outskirts of London Jan Griffier (c.1645-1718, Dutch) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Presentation of Mary at the Temple (Detail) by CarpaccioPresentation of Mary at the Temple (Detail) 1500-10 Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Saint Antony Entrusts the Protection of the City of Padua to the Blessed Luke Giusto de Menabuoi (14th C./Italian) Basilica di Sant'Antonio (Basilica di Santo), Padua, Italy
Battle of San Romano by UccelloBattle of San Romano ca. 1455 Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)(1397-1475 Italian) Tempera on wood panel Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Boston Commons by GoodwinBoston Commons Arthur Clifton Goodwin (1864-1929/American) Oil on canvas David David Gallery, Philadelphia
Bathers at Asnieres by SeuratBathers at Asnieres ca. 1883-84 Georges Pierre Seurat (1859-1891/French) Oil on canvas National Gallery, London
Civil Justice by OngCivil Justice 2003 Diana Ong (b.1940 Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Sisters by OngSisters 2003 Diana Ong (b.1940 Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Disbelief of Apostle Thomas by Rembrandt Van RijnDisbelief of Apostle Thomas Rembrandt Van Rijn (1606-1669 Dutch) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Assumption of The Virgin Artist Unknown (Lombardy) Pinacoteca Di Brera, Milan, Italy
Maple Sugaring by Currier & IvesMaple Sugaring 1872 Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American) Lithograph
Grandma by WashingtonGrandma 1993 Anna Belle Lee Washington (1924-2000/American) Oil on Canvas
Toward The One by SicklesToward The One 1998 Peter Sickles (20th C./American) Oil on canvas
Abstract #11 by OngAbstract #11 1975 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Private Collection
Progressive by MayersProgressive 1997 Gil Mayers (b.1947/American)
View Toward Rialto Bridge by CanalettoView Toward Rialto Bridge Canaletto (1697-1768 Italian) Oil on canvas Museo Civico Correr, Venice, Italy
The Grape Harvest Vendemmia Early Christian Mosaicist 4th C. Santa Costanza, Rome, Italy
Saint Francis in Ecstasy by NuvoloneSaint Francis in Ecstasy Carlo Francesco Nuvolone (1609-1662 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
View of Venice by CanalettoView of Venice Canaletto (1697-1768 Italian) Oil on canvas Museo Civico Correr, Venice, Italy
Joyful Dance by OngJoyful Dance 2001 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Judgement of Solomon by TiepoloJudgement of Solomon Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1696-1770 Italian Archbishopric, Udine, Venetia, Italy
Quilting by WashingtonQuilting 1989 Anna Belle Lee Washington (1924-2000/American) Oil on Canvas
On the Rocks by WashingtonOn the Rocks 1990 Anna Belle Lee Washington (1924-2000/American) Oil on Canvas