The Last Judgment, fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564, Italy, Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, Circa 1536-41
Detail Of Galatea - From The Birth Of Galatea Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Villa Farnesina, Sala di Galatea, Rome, Italy
Baptism of Christ by Giotto di BondoneBaptism of Christ Giotto di Bondone c. (1266-1337/ Florentine) Fresco Arena Chapel, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua
Last Judgement by SprangerLast Judgement Spranger, Bartholomaeus 1546-1611 Flemish
Stone angel with swordStone angel holding double handed sword. Pencil drawing on colored pastel board
Stone angel profileStone angel in profile. Pencil drawing on colored pastel board
Torres del PaineTorres Del Paine
The Triumph of Galatea by RaphaelThe Triumph of Galatea 1511 Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Fresco Villa Farnesina, Sala di Galatea, Rome
Jacob's Ladder by William BlakeJacob's Ladder 1800-03 William Blake (1757-1827/British) British Museum, London