Jesus and the Children Hugo Vogel (1855-1920 German)
Two priests with a thumbs up sign
USA, District of Columbia, Washington DC. The Miraculous Medal Chapel in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC
Christ and the Children by PlockhorstChrist and the Children Berhard Plockhorst (1825-1907/German)
Saint Augustine-Detail of Face Vincenzo Foppa (1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy
Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints Vincenzo Foppa (1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia, Italy
Saint Vincent Ferrer by BelliniSaint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Tempera on wood San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
Madonna and Child with Saints by MonverdeMadonna and Child with Saints Luca Monverde (ca.1500-1525/26 Italian) Sanctuary Madonna of the Mercy, Udine, Italy
Giving of the Keys by VenezianoGiving of the Keys Lorenzo Veneziano (active 1356-1372 Italian) Tempera on wood Museo Correr, Venice, Italy
Triumph of Saint Thomas by LippiTriumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy
Saint Pellegrino Of Forli Antonio da Firenze (14th C./Italian) Santa Elena, Venice, Italy
Saint Jerome - Detail From A Polyptych Master of Roncaiette (15th C./Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Roncaiette Parish, Padua, Italy
Madonna Enthroned Between the Saints Francis and Liberale by GiorgioneMadonna Enthroned Between the Saints Francis and Liberale Giorgione (1477-1510 Italian) Parrocchiale Castelfranco, VE
Madonna and Child with Saints by CampiMadonna and Child with Saints Galeazzo Campi (1477-1536 Italian) Oil on wood panel Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Madonna and Saints by RomanoMadonna and Saints Giulio Romano (1499-1546 Italian) Santa Maria dell'Anima, Rome, Italy
La Disputa (Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament) 1508-11 Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Fresco Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican City
Martyrdom of Saint John of Bergamo by TiepoloMartyrdom of Saint John of Bergamo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770 Italian) Piazzo del Duomo, Bergamo, Italy
Saint Margaret by PoussinSaint Margaret Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665/French) Oil on Canvas Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
St. Joachim by FoppaSt. Joachim San Gioacchino Vincenzo Foppa 1427/30-1515/6 Italian Pinocoteca Civica Castello Sforzesco Milan, Italy
Martyrdom of Saint George by AltichieroMartyrdom of Saint George Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory or Saint George, Padua, Italy
Saint Francis in Ecstasy by NuvoloneSaint Francis in Ecstasy Carlo Francesco Nuvolone (1609-1662 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Christ and Woman Taken in Adultery by PoussinChrist and the Woman Taken in Adultery 1653 Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665 French) Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
The Eternal Father by GuercinoThe Eternal Father Giovanni Francesco B. Guercino (1591-1666/Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Saint Mark by Guariento di ArpoSaint Mark Guariento di Arpo (ca. 1338-1378 Italian) Oil on board Civic Museum, Padua, Italy
Adoration of the Shepherds by Giorgio GiorgioneAdoration of the Shepherds c. 1510 Giorgio Giorgione (c. 1477-1510/ Venetian) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C
Adoration of the Child by Barnaba da ModenaAdoration of the Child Barnaba da Modena (1362-1383/ Italian) Oil on wood panel Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
The Flight into Egypt by TissotThe Flight into Egypt James Tissot (1836-1902 French)
It Is Finished by TissotIt Is Finished James Tissot (1836-1902/French)
Madonna of the Poor by FerruzziMadonna of the Poor Roberto Ferruzzi (1853-1934 Italian)
The Children Welcomed by BlochThe Children Welcomed Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890 Danish) National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle Church, Denmark
The Holy Family With A Bird Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1617-1682 Spanish) Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
The Pool Of Bethesda by BlochThe Pool Of Bethesda Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890/Danish) Museum of Art, Brigham Young University, Utah, USA
Black Madonna of Czestochowa Icons Jewels and precious stones
Madonna and Child Artist Unknown
Christ and the Children of All Races by BianchiniChrist and the Children of All Races Vittorio Bianchini (1797-1880 Italian)
Madonna & Child by Eyck (After)Madonna & Child 1433 Jan van Eyck (After) (1390-1441 Flemish) Oil on wood National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Adoration of the Magi by BoschAdoration of the Magi Hieronymus Bosch (ca.1450-1516 Netherlandish) Oil on wood panel
Gutenberg Bible 1456 Johann Gutenberg (ca.1397-1468 German)
Jesus Found in the Temple by BlochJesus Found in the Temple Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890 Danish) National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle Church, Denmark
Madonna col Bambino Fra Angelico (ca.1395-1455 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints by FoppaBottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints Vincenzo Foppa (ca. 1427-ca. 1515/Italian) Tempera on wood Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia
Funeral of Saint Lucy by AltichieroFuneral of Saint Lucy Altichiero (ca. 1320-1385 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
Detail of St. Christopher from the Polyptych of Saint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1430-1516 Italian) Chiesa Dei Santi Giovanni E Paolo, Venice, Italy
God The Father Detail From The Expulsion Guariento di Arpo (ca.1338-ca.1378/Italian) Accademia Pattavina, Padua, Italy
Madonna col Bambino Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Torment of Saint Lucy by AltichieroTorment of Saint Lucy Detail Altichiero (C. 1320-1385 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
Lazarus by BlochLazarus Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890 Danish) National History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark
Angel and the Shepherds by BlochAngel and the Shepherds Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890 Danish)
Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy
Capture of Saint George by AltichieroCapture of Saint George Altichiero (active 1369-1388 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
St. George Killing the Dragon by CarpaccioSt. George Killing the Dragon Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giogio e Trifone Venice
Supper at Emmaus by CaravaggioSupper at Emmaus Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Baptism and Temptation of Christ by VeroneseBaptism and Temptation of Christ Veronese (Paolo Caliari) 1528-1588 /Venetian Oil on Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
Adoration of the Magi by Camillo ProcacciniAdoration of the Magi Camillo Procaccini c. (1560-1629/ Italian) Oil on Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan