Hipster woman with hand on chin day dreaming outdoors
Mona Lisa - Detail Of Mouth Ca.1503-06 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach the elder, Chalk and Ink, (1472-1553)
BLD001698Young couple standing together
BLD001702Portrait of woman in evening gown
Friends of my Town by MirukuFriends of my Town by Ali Miruku, oil painting, 1991
When I was a Kid by MirukuWhen I was a Kid by by Ali Miruku, oil on canvas, 1990
Sand and Sea by OngSand and Sea by Diana Ong, watercolor, 1976, Private Collection
Civil Justice by OngCivil Justice 2003 Diana Ong (b.1940 Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Country Artist by MirukuCountry Artist by Ali Miruku, oil painting, 1991
Faces In Black And White by OngFaces In Black And White 1998 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Proportions of the Face by Leonardo da VinciProportions of the Face Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519/Italian) Drawing Biblioteca Reale, Turin
Watercolor Group A by OngWatercolor Group A 1999 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Red Faces, Black Eyes by OngRed Faces, Black Eyes 2000 Diana Ong (b.1940 Chinese-American) Computer graphics
Clowns by Diana OngClowns Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer Graphics
Mask by Diana OngMask 1993 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer Graphics
Marylin Monroe in redPortrait drawing of Marylin Monroe. Pen and Ink Digital Coloring
Telephone by Diana OngTelephone 1995 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer Graphics
Sit In, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Portrait of Albino boy with words painted on body "I love pandas, They are not racist, they are black, white and Asian"
BLD069801Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling mask
BLD069800Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD016386Elderly woman driving a motorcycle
BLD016385Elderly woman smiling for the camera
BLD016384Elderly woman smiling for the camera
BLD069950Close up of prostitute looking at money
BLD069951Middle-aged man giving money to prostitute
The Air by Giuseppe ArcimboldiThe Air 16th C. Giuseppe Arcimboldi (1527-1593/Italian) Dreyfus Bank Collection, Basel, Switzerland
Tiye by KopilakTiye 1989 GG Kopilak (b.1942/American) Oil on canvas Private Collection
Bacchus by KopilakBacchus by GG Kopilak (b.1942/American), oil on canvas, 1988, Private Collection
Head of Christ by RembrandtHead of Christ Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669/ Dutch) Oil on canvas
Autumn by Giuseppe ArcimboldiAutumn 1573 Giuseppe Arcimboldi (1527-1593/Italian) Oil on Canvas Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
BLD016387Elderly woman driving a motorcycle
BLD016379Elderly woman winning at bingo
Portrait Portraiture Woman Women Hispanic LatinClose up portrait of Hispanic womans mouth licking lips, with glossy lipstick
Halloween Costume Playful Studio Shot Cut-OutPortrait of a woman dressed up in for Halloween and Day of the Dead Dia de los Muertos with skull face paint. Looking into camera
Portrait of Indian woman with arms crossed and words painted across neck and chest "Love + Respect"
Girl holding flowerGirl standing, green dress, holding flower, distressed background, acrylic on canvas, stretched linen
Jonny WilkinsonFine art portrait of Jonny Wilkinson, Acrylic painting
Portrait of Pierre-Auguste RenoirPortrait of Actress Jeanne Samary 1877 Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919 /French) Oil on Canvas Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Anatomy Sketches (Libyan Sibyl) by MichelangeloAnatomy Sketches (Libyan Sibyl) c. 1508-1512 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564/Italian) Red chalk Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Woman and the Cat by Diana OngWoman and the Cat Diana Ong (b.1940 Chinese-American) Ink with Watercolor Private Collection