Summer Fruit by Currier & IvesSummer Fruit 1861 Currier & Ives (1834-1907/American) Lithograph
Autumn Fruit by Currier & IvesAutumn Fruit Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American)
The Yacht Squadron (Newport) by Currier & IvesThe Yacht Squadron (Newport) Currier & Ives (active 1857-1907/American)
Maple Sugaring by Currier & IvesMaple Sugaring 1872 Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American) Lithograph
The Farmer's Home by Currier and IvesThe Farmer's Home Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907 /American)
Harper's Ferry by Currier and IvesHarper's Ferry (From the Potomac Side) Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907 /American)
Minute Men of the Revolution by Currier and IvesMinute Men of the Revolution 1876 Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907/American)
American Homestead Winter by Currier & IvesAmerican Homestead Winter 1868 Currier & Ives (1834-1907/American) Lithograph
Molly Pitcher-Heroine of MonmouthVintage Photograph. Molly Pitcher-Heroine of Monmouth Revolutionary War Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American)
American Homestead: Summer by Currier and IvesAmerican Homestead: Summer Currier & Ives (Active 1857-1907 American) Lithograph
American Currier & IvesAmerican Winter Scene, A Country Cabin Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American)
" On a Point ", by Currier & IvesAmerican Field Sports " On a Point " 1857 Currier & Ives (1834-1907 American) Color lithograph
Winter Morning by Currier & IvesWinter Morning 1861 Currier & Ives (active 1857-1907/American) Lithograph
Home in the Wilderness by Currier and IvesHome in the Wilderness Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907 /American) Lithograph
The Port of New York by Currier and IvesThe Port of New York Bird's Eye View of the Battery, Looking South Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907/ American) Color Lithograph Library of Congress, Washington, D.C
Tallulah Falls by Currier and IvesTallulah Falls - Georgia Currier and Ives (a. 1857-1907/American) Library of Congress, Washington, D.C