Eurynome Hermit by GouldEurynome Hermit (Phoethornis Eurynome) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Blue-Tailed Mango (Lampornis Viridis) 1861 1861 John Gould (1804-1881 British) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia USA
Jardine's Panoplites (Panoplites Jardini) 1861 John Gould (1804-1881 British) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia USA
Belted Hermit (Phaethornis Nigricinctus) And Bishop Hermit (Phaethornis Episcopus) 1861 John Gould (1804-1881 British) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia USA
Blue-Breasted Plumeleteer by GouldBlue-Breasted Plumeleteer (Hypuroptila Caeruleigaster) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Hairy Hermit (Glaucis Hirsuta) by GouldHairy Hermit, by John Gould, 1861, USA, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1804-1881
Buffon's GouldBuffon's Plumeleteer (Hypuroptila Buffon) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Buff-Tailed GouldBuff-Tailed Velvet-Breast (Lafresnaya Flavicaudata) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Grass-Green-Breasted GouldGrass-Green-Breasted Carib (Eulampis Chlorolaemus) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Veraguan Mango (Lampornis Veraguensis) by GouldVeraguan Mango (Lampornis Veraguensis) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Owne's GouldOwne's Sabre-Wing Hermit (Campylopterus Roberti) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861 GouldBlue-Breast Hermit (Sternoclyta Cyaneipectus) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Henry De Lattre's GouldHenry De Lattre's Cazique (Delattria Henrica) 1861 John Gould (1804-1881 British) Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Dohrn's Hermit (Glaucis Dohrni) by GouldDohrn's Hermit (Glaucis Dohrni) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Villavicencio's Sabre-Wing.. by GouldVillavicencio's Sabre-Wing Hermit (Campylopterus Villavicencio) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Blue-Throated Sabre-Wing (Campylopterus Ensipennis) by GouldBlue-Throated Sabre-Wing Hermit (Campylopterus Ensipennis) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Lazuline Sabre-Wing (Campylopterus Lazulus) by GouldLazuline Sabre-Wing, by John Gould, 1861, USA, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1804-1881
Fawn-Tailed Barbed-Throat (Threnetes Cervinicauda) by GouldFawn-Tailed Barbed-Throat Hermit (Threnetes Cervinicauda) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Black-Tailed Hermit (Glaucis Melanura) by GouldBlack-Tailed Hermit (Glaucis Melanura) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Allied Hermit (Glaucis Affinis) by GouldAllied Hermit (Glaucis Affinis) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Purple-Breasted Carib by GouldPurple-Breasted Carib (Eulampis Jugularis) by John Gould, (1804-1881), 1861
Rufous-Breasted Sabre-Wing by GouldRufous-Breasted Sabre-Wing (Campylopterus Hyperthrus) John Gould (1804-1881 British)
De Lattre's Sabre-Wing by GouldDe Lattre's Sabre-Wing Hermit (Campylopterus Delattrei) by John Gould, (1804-1881), 1861
Swallow-Tail by GouldSwallow-Tail Hermit (Eupetomena Hirundinacea) by John Gould, (1804-1881), 1861
Crimson Topaz by GouldCrimson Topaz (Topaza Pella) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Fawn-Breasted Sabre... by GouldFawn-Breasted Sabre-Wing Hermit (Campylopterus Rufus) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Fiery Topaz by GouldFiery Topaz (Topaza Pyra) by John Gould, (1804-1881), USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1861
Lawe's Bird Of Paradise John Gould (1804-1881 British)
Golden Bird Of Paradise John Gould (1804-1881 British)