Cute Gorilla
El Tigre John Newcomb, Watercolor, 2005
Deep sleeperA two-toed sloth sleeps among the leafs
The Lion (Felis Leo) by ElliotThe Lion (Felis Leo) Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915 American) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Panther or Leopard (Felis Pardus) by ElliotPanther or Leopard (Felis Pardus) 1883 Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915 American)Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA
Panther or Leopard (Felis Pardus) by ElliotPanther or Leopard (Felis Pardus) 1883 Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915 American)Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia USA
The Jaguar (Felis Onca) by ElliotThe Jaguar (Felis Onca) Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915 American) Monograph Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Foret Vierge au RousseauForet Vierge au Soleil c. 1907 Henri Rousseau (1844-1910 French) Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland
Alouatta Pigra, While you might not always see them you often hear howler monkeys while visiting Xunantunich
During breeding season these iguanas turn a brilliant orange
Jabiru mycteria, The Jabiru is Belize's national bird
These birds mate for life
Amazona albifrons, A Pair of White-Fronted Parrots, Belize These birds mate for life and are seldom separated
Trogon melanocephalus, Male Black-Headed Trogon, Belize
Melanerpes aurifrons, A Male Golden-Fronted Woodpecker Peers into a Nest Hole, Belize
Aratinga nana, These birds mate for life
Olive-throated Parakeet, aratinga nana, Belize
Bare-shanked Screech-OwlA bare-shanked screech-owl perched on a fence post
Bare-shanked Screech-OwlA bare-shanked screech-owl looks right at the camera
Emerald ToucanetAlso known as the Blue-throated Toucanet, this is one of the most beautiful birds of Costa Rican mountains
Capuchin MonkeyA white-faced Capuchin enjoys its lunch, palm fruits
Cantorchilus semibadiusThe Riverside Wren (Cantorchilus semibadius) is endemic to Costa Rica and western Panama
Gentle giants2A gentle giant tapir eats mangos in the jungle edge
Hiding among leafsA three-toed sloth hides among the canopy leafs
Parrot on Kauai
Gekko on Kauai