Statue of netaji subhashchandra bose at Dalhousie Himachal Pradesh India Copyright: xManojxNavalkar/DinodiaxPhotox
Harry S. Truman 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972)
Two priests with a thumbs up sign
Drawing of Martin Luther King Jr. an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 until his death in 1968
Common Militia, 1830, U.S. Army
Seventh Cavalry, 1876, U.S. Army
General Fenwick by StuartGeneral Fenwick Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828 American)
John Marshall by LambdinJohn Marshall James Reid Lambdin (1807-1889 American) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. USA
John Adams by StuartJohn Adams ca 1800-15 Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828 American) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. USA
Simon Bolivar by Castro MoralesSimon Bolivar Jose Gil de Castro Morales (1780-ca.1839/Peruvian)
Micanopy Seminole Chief by Charles Bird KingMicanopy Seminole Chief Charles Bird King (1785-1862/American)
Menawa (Oakfuskee Chief) by KingMenawa (Oakfuskee Chief) Charles Bird King (1785-1862/American) Lithograph Pablo Prints
Osceola (Seminole) by Charles Bird KingOsceola (Seminole) Charles Bird King (1785-1862/American) Lithograph Private Collection
Queen Victoria George Baxter 1804-1867 BritishQueen Victoria, after George Baxter, 1804-1867, British, Print made by Bradshaw & Blacklock, active ca.1850, British, Published by Bradshaw & Blacklock, active ca.1850, British, ca
Simon Bolivar: Liberator of South America by GomezSimon Bolivar: Liberator of South America Franco Gomez (1845-1880 Chilean)
Peter the Great by DelarochePeter the Great Paul Delaroche (1797-1856 French)
White Cloud, Chief of the Iowas by George CatlinWhite Cloud, Chief of the Iowas George Catlin (1794-1872/American) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C
Washington at Battle of Germantown by ChappellWashington at Battle of Germantown Alonzo Chappell (1828-1887 American)