The nebulae of Rho Ophiuchus, including the blue IC 4592 at the top of the field, and the red Sh2-1 to the right
Boxed In by Whitehouse-HolmBoxed In, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic on paper
Flowers #1 by Whitehouse-HolmFlowers #1, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic, Private Collection
Purple Perch and Pals by Whitehouse-HolmPurple Perch and Pals, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), 1996
Eight Little Ones by Whitehouse-HolmEight Little Ones, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic, 1997
Central America, Red-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychinis calidryas)
Submerged by Whitehouse-HolmSubmerged, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic, 1997
Fifteen Fine Fish by Whitehouse-HolmFifteen Fine Fish, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic
Starry Starry Fish by Whitehouse-HolmStarry Starry Fish, by Marilee Whitehouse-Holm (born 1949), acrylic on paper, 1998
United Kingdom, Norfolk, (Common) Teal male (Anas crecca) walking on pebble beach
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola)
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)