Art, Josephine Trotter, 2015 (b.1940/British)
Solitude; 1890; Oil on canvas Jean-Leon Gerome; French; 1824-1904
Polar bear looking up at camera while walking on Iceberg floating in the Arctic
Polar bear walking on Iceberg floating in the Arctic
Alouatta Pigra, While you might not always see them you often hear howler monkeys while visiting Xunantunich
During breeding season these iguanas turn a brilliant orange
Jabiru mycteria, The Jabiru is Belize's national bird
The dried umbilical cord is still atached to this newborn
These birds mate for life
larus glaucescens, Gliding Glaucus-Winged Gull, Washington State
A female (front) and male (back) hooded mergansers achieve a running start take-off
Amazilia rutila, A Perching Cinnamon Hummingbird, Belize
Trogon melanocephalus, Male Black-Headed Trogon, Belize
Melanerpes aurifrons, A Male Golden-Fronted Woodpecker Peers into a Nest Hole, Belize
Aratinga nana, These birds mate for life
Male Hooded Oriole, Icterus cucullatus, Belize
Icterus galbula
Olive-throated Parakeet, aratinga nana, Belize
Bombycilla cedrorum, A Cedar Waxwing Perches on a Branch
Callospermophilus lateralis