BLD013407Close up of baby's hand holding adult's hand
BLD013406Close up of baby's hand holding adult's hand
A mother and calf camel, Camelus dromedarius, crossing sand dunes in the interior of the Sahara Desert, Morocco
Calf camel, Camelus dromedarius, crossing sand dunes in the interior of the Sahara Desert, Morocco
Nesting mother and chick Ferruginous Hawks, Buteo regalis, Colorado
4316, 4316-4961Lone Dead Tree With Nesting Mother and Chick Ferruginous Hawks, Buteo regalis, Eastern Colorado
Elephant (Loxodonta africana) calf suckling from its mother. Nothern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Elephant (Loxodonta africana) calf suckling from its mother while she removes an object from between her toes with her trunk. Nothern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana
Elephant (Loxodonta africana) calf about to suckle from its mother. Nothern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana