The Dawn by Ferruccio Ferrazzi, 1891-1978, Italy, Padua, Palazzo del Bo
Trial of Saint George Detail Altichiero (14th C./Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Gesta Della Gioventu Universitaria by Pino Casarini, 1897-1972, Italy, Padua, Fresco Universita
Eternal Father with Angels and Apostles by RicciItaly, Padua, Santa Giustina, Eternal Father with Angels and Apostles by Sebastiano Ricci, fresco, 1659-1734
Trial of Saint George Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Saint Lucy Dragged To The Brothel Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Decoration of the Entrance Hall of Liviano Section by CampigliDecoration of the Entrance Hall of Liviano Section by Massimo Campigli, 1895-1971, Italy, Padua, Liviano
Trial of Saint Lucy Altichiero (14th C./Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Decoration of the Entrance Hall of Liviano by Massimo Campigli, 1895-1971, Italy, Padua, Liviano
Saint Antony Entrusts the Protection of the City of Padua to the Blessed Luke Giusto de Menabuoi (14th C./Italian) Basilica di Sant'Antonio (Basilica di Santo), Padua, Italy
Planet by Di ArpoItaly, Padua, Eremitani Chapel, Planet by Guariento di Arpo, 1338-1378
Saint Bartholomew - Detail from a Polyptych by RoncaietteItaly, Padua, Saint Bartholomew by Master of Roncaiette, detail from Polyptych
Assumption by MantegnaItaly, Padua, Eremitani Church, Ovetari Chapel, Assumption by Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506
Archangel GabrielArchangel by Gabriel Guariento di Arpo, (circa1338-1378), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Madonna Enthroned with Saints by MantegnaItaly, Padua, Verona, Madonna Enthroned with Saints (Central Detail with Angels) by Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506
Story of Saint Augustine by Guariento di ArpoItaly, Padua, Eremitani Chapel, Story of Saint Augustine by Guariento di Arpo, 1338-1378
Nativity by VernansalItaly, Padua, Torresino, Nativity by Guy-Louis Vernansal, oil on canvas, 1648-1749
Martyrdom of Saint George by AltichieroMartyrdom of Saint George Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory or Saint George, Padua, Italy
Madonna with Child by Lorenzo Veneziano, oil on wood panel, (1356-1372), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Angels by Guariento di Arpo, fresco, (circa 1338-1378), Italy, Padua, Pattavina Academy
Angel by Guariento di Arpo, oil on board, (c.1338-1378/Italian), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Madonna and Child by Paolo Veneziano, oil on wood panel, (a. 1333-1362), Italy, Padua, Curia Vescovile
Enthroned Angels by Guariento di Arpo, oil on board, (circa 1338-1378), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Funeral of Saint Lucy by AltichieroFuneral of Saint Lucy Altichiero (ca. 1320-1385 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
Torment of Saint Lucy by AltichieroTorment of Saint Lucy Detail Altichiero (C. 1320-1385 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
Capture of Saint George by AltichieroCapture of Saint George Altichiero (active 1369-1388 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
Madonna and Child by Cosme Tura, tempera on wood panel, (circa1431-1495), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Madonna and Child by Bocaccino Boccaccio, oil on wood panel, (1467-1524), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Madonna of Humility by the School of PaduaMadonna of Humility Triptych (Detail) 1407 School of Padua (15th C./Italian) Civic Museum, Padua