Adult Rufescent Tiger heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) in vegetation on the banks of the Piquiri River a tributary of Cuiaba River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) on the edge of the Piquiri River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Male jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) emerging from Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia sp)Male jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) emerging from Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia sp.) at the edge of a tributary of Cuiaba River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Great potoo (Nyctibius grandis) resting camouflaged during the day on a tree branch in forests adjacent to the Pixiam River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
Black vulture (Coragyps atratus) standing on a dead bloated Yacare Caiman (Caiman yacare) floating down the Cuiaba River, Pantanal Wetlands, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Immature Rufescent tiger heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) in vegetation on the banks of the Piquiri River, Cuiaba River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) at the riverside, Pixiam River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
Black Striped Tufted Capuchin (Cebus libidinosus) in deciduous forest, Pixiam River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
Sun bittern (Eurypyga helias) stalking the margins of the Pixiam River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
Immature Chestnut-Bellied heron (Agamia agami) stalking the margins of the Pixiam River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) outside nest hole in forest bordering of the Cuiaba River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria) on the banks of the Pixiam River, Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Agami heron (Agamia agami) stalking the margins of the river, Pixiam River, Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil