Adventure Antarctica Aptenodytes PatagonicusPengins as far as the eye can see, King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) chicks huddling to stay warm in the colony on the sea ice at Snow Hill Island in the Weddell Sea in Antarctica
Aptenodytes Patagonicus Climate Change Global WarmingKing Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) in the surf at St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Adelie Penguins Antarctica Blue Ice Blue IcebergAdelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) on blue iceberg, Danger Islands, Antarctica
Adelie Penguins Antarctica Antarctica South PoleAdelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) walking on pack ice, Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Adelie Penguins Antarctica Climate Change Global WarmingAdelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) gather along the shoreline, Paulet Island, Antarctica
Adelie Penguins Antarctic Peninsula AntarcticaAdelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) walking along the shoreline at Brown Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
Adelie Penguins Antarctica Brown Bluff Climate ChangeAdelie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, Glacier ice, Icebergs, Brown Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
Adelie Penguin Antarctic Peninsula AntarcticaAdelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) on fresh snow, Antarctica
Adelie Penguin Adelie Penguins Snow Flakes Antarctic PeninsulaAdelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) portrait on Torguson Island, near Palmer Station, Antarctica
Adelie Penguin Adelie Penguins Snow Flakes Antarctic PeninsulaSnowflakes and Adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae) penguins with chicks on Torguson Island, near Palmer Station, Antarctica
Adventure Antarctica Aptenodytes PatagonicusSun rays with King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), at St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Adventure Adventure Travel Antarctica Aptenodytes PatagonicusCourtship Behavior, King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), at St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Adventure Antarctica Aptenodytes PatagonicusCourtship display among the Oakum Boys, King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Aptenodytes Patagonicus Climate Change Global WarmingTourists for scale, King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at Salisbury Plain, South Georgia
Aptenodytes Patagonicus Climate Change Global WarmingWe three kings, Trio of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), Gold Harbor, South Georgia
Aptenodytes Patagonicus Black & White Gold HarborKing Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) gather along the shoreline at Gold Harbor, South Georgia
Aptenodytes Patagonicus Climate Change CourtingCourting King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) with about 10 months old chicks at the Right Whale Bay colony on South Georgia Island, Sub-Antarctica
Antarctica Climate Change Cuverville Island Drake PassageGentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) colony on Cuverville Island, Antarctica