Ireland, North, Belfast, West, Falls Road, Divis Tower Block Of Flats Which Had A British Army Look Out Position On Top During The Troubles
Regal Bearing -- Queen Elizabeth II, attired in her coronation dress and purple velvet robe, poses in Throne Room of Buckingham Palace after her coronation June 2
USA, Massachusetts, Boston, East facade of Old State House, State Street.
The Queen At Her Coronation New Picture -- London just released is this Cecil Beaton picture of Queen Elizabeth II, wearing the Imperial State Crown and holding the Orb
Harry S. Truman 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972)
The American Cincinnatus, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930 American)
Col William Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill, Yohn, Frederick Coffay (1875-1933/American)
Low angle view of a monument, Mt Rushmore National Monument, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Statue of Abraham Lincoln in a memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, USA
Parliament building lit up at dawn, Hungarian Parliament Building, Danube River, Budapest, Hungary
Child standing in front of a memorial, Dachau concentration camp, Dachau, Germany
George Washington Thomas Sully (1783-1872 American) Oil On Paper David David Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield, Illinois, USA
Frederick Douglass by HurnDouglass, Frederick J.W. Hurn (19th C.)
Abraham Lincoln American History
Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. USACapitol Building, Washington D.C. USA
The Attack Upon the Chew House by PyleThe Attack Upon the Chew House Howard Pyle (1853-1911 American)
Brown vs. Board of Ed, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Passing Great Emancipation Act George Jones 1786-1869The Passing of the Great Emancipation Act, George Jones, 1786-1869, British, ca
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. USALow angle view of the Lincoln Memorial lit up at night, Washington D.C. USA
George Washington At Valley Forge Frederick Coffay Yohn (1875-1933 American)
Lincoln's Drive Through Richmond, April 1865 by CarterLincoln's Drive Through Richmond, April 1865 Dennis Malone Carter (1827-1881 American)