Luncheon of the Boating Party by RenoirLuncheon of the Boating Party 1881 Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919 French) Oil on canvas Phillips Collection, Washington D.C. USA
Fashionable woman day dreaming while leaning on railing at rooftop during sunset
Girl taking photo through her smartphone
Huntington Library Pasadena California, USA
The Crimson Rambler by HaleThe Crimson Rambler 1908 Philip Leslie Hale (1865-1931 American) Oil on canvas Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ceiling of the Chapel Carafe Bramantino (ca.1465-1530 Italian) San Domenico Maggiore, Naples, Italy
1245, 1245-424A1245-424A
Bridge across a river, Father Mathew Bridge, Dublin, Ireland
Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield, Illinois, USA
Millennium Tower, Aurora, Illinois, USALow angle view of the Millennium Tower, Aurora, Illinois, USA
Matsumoto Castle, Matsumoto, JapanCastle on the waterfront, Matsumoto Castle, Matsumoto, Japan
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, Forbidden City, Beijing, China
BLD067802Couple kissing on balcony
Cruise Ship by Charlie HillCruise Ship Charlie Hill (20th C./American)
Balconies at Fountainbleu Hotel, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA
Low angle view of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA
Teatro Olimpico particolare Andrea Palladio (1508-1580 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
BLD067803Couple kissing on balcony
Healing the Woman With the Issue of Blood...VeroneseHealing the Woman with the Issue of Blood Veronese (Paolo Caliari) 1528-1588 /Venetian
Low angle view of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, Art Deco District, South Beach, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA