Choir of Angels by Hans MemlingChoir of Angels Hans Memling (c. 1433-1494/Netherlandish) Oil on Canvas
The Charity of St. Anthony by LottoThe Charity of St. Anthony Lorenzo Lotto (ca.1480-1556 Italian) Oil on canvas San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
St. Peter The Martyr and Saints by ConeglianoSt. Peter The Martyr and Saints by Giovanni Cima da Conegliano, ca.1459-ca.1517, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca Di Brera
Armored Man on Horse, Circle of Pietro Perugino
Study of a Male Nude Standing Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564/Florentine) Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
The Last Judgment, fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564, Italy, Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, Circa 1536-41
Hunting scene with horse and deer by Albrecht Durer, Watercolor on paper, 1471-1528, 16th century, Russia, Voronezh, Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum
Roses, Tulips, and other Flowers in a Wicker Basket Jan Bruegel the Elder (1568-1625/Flemish)
Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci; 1510. By Francesco Melzi (1491-1568); red chalk on paper
Mona Lisa - Detail Of Mouth Ca.1503-06 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Portrait of a young man. (Matteo Sofferoni). 1522. ( Franciabigio; 1482 - Florence 1525)
Salvator Mundi in a Landscape c. 1510-30 Oil on panel by Master of the Mansi Magdalene
The Suicide of Saul by Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Suicide of Saul Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca.1525-1569/Flemish) Oil on Wood Panel Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
Ecce Homo Fra Bartolommeo (1472-1517 Italian)
The Virgin with Animals by DurerThe Virgin with Animals 1503 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528/German) Ink with Watercolor Graphische Sammlung, Albertina, Vienna, Austria
The Gloomy Day by Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Gloomy Day 1565 Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca.1525-1569/Flemish) Oil on Wood Panel Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
Saint Sebastian Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510 Italian)
Garden Of Earthly Delights - Detail of Center Panel C.1505 Hieronymus Bosch (ca.1450-1516 Netherlandish) Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Saints Monica, Jerome, Nicholas and Ursula Giovanni Cima da Conegliano (ca.1459-1517 Italian) Oil On Burlap Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Saint Augustine-Detail of Face Vincenzo Foppa (1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy
Detail Of Galatea - From The Birth Of Galatea Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Villa Farnesina, Sala di Galatea, Rome, Italy
Saint Sebastian Liberale da Verona (ca.1445-1526/29 Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Triptych Detail Jacobello del Fiore(1370-1439 Italian) Palazzo Comunale, Chioggia, Venice, Italy
Detail Of St. George Baptizing King Aio & Queen Silene In Libya Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil On Canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone, Venice, Italy
Bottigella Altarpiece-Detail of Saints Vincenzo Foppa (1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia, Italy
St. Michael Fighting the Dragon by DurerSt. Michael Fighting the Dragon Albrecht Durer (1471-1528 German) Engraving
La Primavera (Detail) Ca. 1481 Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510 Italian) Tempera On Wood Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Garden Of Earthly Delights - Detail #2 C.1505 Hieronymus Bosch (ca.1450-1516 Netherlandish) Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Treachery of Judas c. 1305-13 Giotto (ca)Treachery of Judas c. 1305-13 Giotto (ca.1266-1337 Italian) Fresco Capella Scrovegni, Padua, Italy
Saint Vincent Ferrer by BelliniSaint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Tempera on wood San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
Madonna and Child with Blessed Stephen by Ambrogio da Fossano, 1481-1522, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Triumph of Saint Thomas by LippiTriumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy
Debate of St. Stephen Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on Canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
St. Jerome Brings the Lion Into the Monastery by CarpaccioSt. Jerome Brings the Lion Into the Monastery Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone, Venice, Italy
Episodes of the Life of Saint Vincent Ferrer by BelliniEpisodes of the Life of Saint Vincent Ferrer Polyptych of Saint Vincent Ferrer Giovanni Bellini (ca.1430-1516 Italian) Tempera on wood San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
Last Rites of St. Jerome by CarpaccioLast Rites of St. Jerome Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone, Venice, Italy
Saint Pellegrino Of Forli Antonio da Firenze (14th C./Italian) Santa Elena, Venice, Italy
Presentation of Mary at the Temple by CarpaccioPresentation of Mary at the Temple 1500-1510 Vittore Carpaccio (ca. 1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Fornari Polyptych-Madonna & Child On Throne St. John The Baptist And Gerolamo Foppa, Vincenzo(1427/30-1515/16 Italian) Tempera On Wood Pinacoteca Civica, Savona, Italy
Polyptych of Lazarus Francesco Squarcione (1397-1468 Italian) Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Ceiling of the Chapel Carafe Bramantino (ca.1465-1530 Italian) San Domenico Maggiore, Naples, Italy
Madonna Enthroned Between the Saints Francis and Liberale by GiorgioneMadonna Enthroned Between the Saints Francis and Liberale Giorgione (1477-1510 Italian) Parrocchiale Castelfranco, VE
Madonna with Child by MontagnaMadonna with Child by Bartolomeo Montagna, oil on wood panel, ca.1450-1523, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
St. George Baptizes King Aio & Queen Silene In Libya Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil On Canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone, Venice, Italy
Annunciation by AlbertinelliAnnunciation Mariotto Albertinelli (1474-1515 Italian)
Presentation of Mary at the Temple (Detail) by CarpaccioPresentation of Mary at the Temple (Detail) 1500-10 Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Madonna and Child with Piero della FrancescaMadonna and Child with Angels, Saints, and Martyrs Piero della Francesca (ca.1420-1492 Italian) Oil on wood panel Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Triumph Of Galatea, The (Cupid Detail) 1511 Raphael(1483-1520 Italian) Fresco;Villa Farnesina, Sala di Galatea, Rome, Italy
Mary Magdalene by PeruginoMary Magdalene late 15th C. Pietro Perugino (ca.1450-1523 Italian) Oil on panel Palatina Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
La Disputa (Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament) 1508-11 Raphael (1483-1520 Italian) Fresco Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican City
Battle of San Romano by UccelloBattle of San Romano ca. 1455 Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)(1397-1475 Italian) Tempera on wood panel Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Self Portrait by DurerSelf Portrait 1500 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528 German) Oil on wood panel Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany
The Betrayal of Christ by BoschThe Betrayal of Christ Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516 Netherlandish)
The Procession to Calvary by Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Procession to Calvary 1564 Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca.1525-1569/Flemish) Oil on Wood Panel Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
Giona Che Esce Dalla Balena by LorenzettoJonah and the Whale by Lorenzetto, stone, 1520, (1490-1541), Italy, Rome, Santa Maria del Popolo
Madonna and Child with Saints by BastianiMadonna and Child with Saints by Lazzaro Bastiani, Pinacoteca Di Brera, Milan, Italy, 1425-1512, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Madonna della Neve by Sassetta, 1430-32, (1394-1450), Italy, Florence, Palazzo Pitti
St. George Leading the Wounded Dragon into Town by CarpaccioSt. George Leading the Wounded Dragon into Town Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Oil on canvas Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone Venice
Flagellation of Christ by SignorelliFlagellation of Christ by Luca Signorelli, oil on wood panel, 1441/50-1523 Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
St. Joachim by FoppaSt. Joachim San Gioacchino Vincenzo Foppa 1427/30-1515/6 Italian Pinocoteca Civica Castello Sforzesco Milan, Italy
Madonna of Senigallia by Piero della FrancescaMadonna of Senigallia Piero Della Francesca (1410/20-1492/Italian) National Gallery of the Marche, Urbino, Italy
Agony in the Garden (St. Zeno Altarpiece detail) by MantegnaAgony in the Garden (St. Zeno Altarpiece detail) 1457-60 Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506 Italian) Oil on panel Musee des Beaux Arts, Tours, France
Madonna Enthroned with Saints by MantegnaItaly, Padua, Verona, Madonna Enthroned with Saints (Central Detail with Angels) by Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506
Portrait of a Man by VivariniPortrait of a Man Alvise Vivarini (ca. 1445-1505 Italian) Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Dinner in the House of Pharisee by VeroneseDinner in the House of the Pharisee Paolo Veronese (1528-1588 Italian) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Saint Jerome by TitianSaint Jerome Titian (ca. 1485-1576 Italian) Pinoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Triumph Of St. Thomas (Detail) by LippiTriumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics(Detail) Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome
The Adulterer and the Redeemer by PitatiThe Adulterer and the Redeemer by Bonifazio de Pitati ( Italian), oil on canvas, 1487-1553, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Annunciation with Children and the Cardinal Juan de Tourquemada (detail) Antoniazzo Romano (active 1461-1508 Italian) Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome
Assumption & Annunciation (Detail) by LippiAssumption & Annunciation (Detail) Filippino Lippi (1457/8-1504/Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome
Peasants by Bruegel (Attributed)Peasants Bruegel (Attributed) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Triumph Of St. Thomas (Detail) by LippiTriumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas Over the Heretics (Detail) Filippino Lippi (1457 8-1504 Italian) Fresco Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome
Madonna with Child by Cesare da Sesto, oil on wood panel, 1477-1523, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Garden of Earthly Delights by BoschGarden of Earthly Delights Detail #3 Hieronymus Bosch (c.1450-1516 Netherlandish) Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Spain
David (Detail) by MichelangeloDavid (Detail) 1501 Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564/Italian) Marble Galleria dell Accademia, Florence
DRAWING OF A FLYING MACHINE WITH A MAN OPERATING IT PEN & INK Leonardo da Vinci 1452 d1519 Florentine Institut de France, Paris
Sketch of a Square Leonardo da VinciSketch of a Square Church with Central Dome & Minaret Pen & Ink Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 Italian) Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Proportions of the Face by Leonardo da VinciProportions of the Face Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519/Italian) Drawing Biblioteca Reale, Turin
Portrait of a Man in Giorgio GiorgioPortrait of a Man in Armor with his Page Giorgio Giorgione (c. 1477-1510/ Venetian) Oil on Canvas Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Pentecost by Giotto di BondonePentecost Fresco Giotto di Bondone (c. 1266-1337 /Florentine) Arena Chapel, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua
St. Joseph with the Jesus Child (Guido Reni)St. Joseph with the Jesus Child c. 1620-1630 Guido Reni (1575-1642/Bolognese) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Christ Carrying the Cross by TitianChrist Carrying the Cross 1560 Titian ( 1477/89-1576 /Venetian) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
The Lamentation by GiottoThe Lamentation 1304-06 Giotto (ca. 1266-1337 Italian) Fresco Capella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy