firefighter getting on the truck to work in emergency
Descent to Hell (Panel from the Maesta) by DuccioDescent to Hell (Panel from the Maesta) 1308-11 Duccio di Buoninsegna (ca.1255-ca.1319 Italian) Tempera on wood panel Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence, Italy
Lifeguard on duty at Ballina Head BeachLifeguard sun shelter and lifeguard on duty on top of rocky cliff at Ballina Head Beach
Aerial of BeachAerial of waves washing on to the beach and a lone Surf Lifesaving flag planted in the sand
Close-up of a Tawny owl (Strix aluco) chick against white background
Scene of the Flood by Girodet de Roucy-TriosonScene of the Flood Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson (1767-1824/French) Musee Girodet, Montargis
The Signal by MoranThe Signal 1890 Edward Moran (1829-1901/American) Oil on Canvas David David Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The Rainbow by Ivan AivazovskyThe Rainbow 1868 Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900/Russian) Painting Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Painting depicting President Kennedy's World War II (WWII) rescue in the South Pacific. Painting depicting President John F. Kennedy's World War II (WWII) rescue in the South Pacific