1950S Woman Wrapped In Towel Stepping On Bathroom Scale
Pinacate beetle (Genus Eleodes) tracks on sand dune, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, southern Arizona
Angel Guariento di Arpo (ca.1338-ca.1378 Italian) Oil On Board Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Woman Weighing Gold by VermeerWoman Weighing Gold ca. 1657 Jan Vermeer (1632-1675 Dutch) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. USA
Planet Earth by SicklesPlanet Earth Peter Sickles (20th C. American)
Pinacate beetle (Genus Eleodes) crossing sand dune, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona
Designs Mechanical Furniture Wardrobe Desk Dressing TableDesigns for Mechanical Furniture: Wardrobe, Desk and Dressing Table, Graphite, pen and black ink, brush and watercolor on paper, Above, wardrobe; center, desk; lower
Reconstruction Proscenium Theater HierapolisReconstruction of the Proscenium of the Theater at Hierapolis, Giovanni Battista Borra, 1713-1770, Italian, ca
Galapagos marine iguanaDetail of the spines on the back of a marine iguana
Triptych 1436 Jacobello del Fiore (1370-1439/Italian) Oil On Wood Panel Palazzo Comunale, Chioggia, Venice, Italy
UK, Norfolk, Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) on teasel, Isolated background (Captive)
UK, Norfolk, Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) on teazel, Isolated background (Captive)
UK, Norfolk, Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) on thistle stalk, Isolated background (Captive)
UK, Norfolk, Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) on thistle stalk Isolated background (Captive)
UK, Norfolk, Harvest Mice (Micromys minutus) on teazel, Isolated background (Captive)
Big Boy... "Avalanche, " champion White Flemish Giant, tips the scale at 21 pounds
Male Parson's chameleon (Calumma parsonii) hunting for prey, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar