The Last Judgment, fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564, Italy, Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, Circa 1536-41
Hunting scene with horse and deer by Albrecht Durer, Watercolor on paper, 1471-1528, 16th century, Russia, Voronezh, Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum
Madonna with Child by MontagnaMadonna with Child by Bartolomeo Montagna, oil on wood panel, ca.1450-1523, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Giona Che Esce Dalla Balena by LorenzettoJonah and the Whale by Lorenzetto, stone, 1520, (1490-1541), Italy, Rome, Santa Maria del Popolo
Detail of Saint Sebastian from Polyptych of Saint Vincent Ferrer by Giovanni Bellini, circa 1430-1516, Italy, Venice, Chiesa Dei Santi Giovanni E Paolo
Madonna Enthroned with Saints by MantegnaItaly, Verona, Saint Zeno, Madonna Enthroned with Saints from alterpiece triptych by Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506
Rest in Egypt by BeerRest in Egypt by Jan de Beer, 1475-1528 Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Flagellation of Christ by SignorelliFlagellation of Christ by Luca Signorelli, oil on wood panel, 1441/50-1523 Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Assumption by MantegnaItaly, Padua, Eremitani Church, Ovetari Chapel, Assumption by Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506
Assumption of The Virgin by MoroniAssumption of The Virgin by Giovanni Battisita Moroni, 1520-1578, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca Di Brera
St. Jerome in the Desert by FoppaSt. Jerome in desert by Vincenzo Foppa, 1427/30-1515/16, Italy, Bergamo, Accademia Carrara
The Adulterer and the Redeemer by PitatiThe Adulterer and the Redeemer by Bonifazio de Pitati ( Italian), oil on canvas, 1487-1553, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Madonna & Child with St. Andre, St. Monica, & St. Ursula by MontagnaMadonna and Child with St. Andre, St. Monica and St. Ursula by Bartolomeo Montagna, ca.1450-1525, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Lamentation of the Dead Christ by ZenaleItaly, Bresica, San Giovanni Evangelista, Lamentation of the Dead Christ by Bernardo Zenale, 1436-1526
Madonna with Child by Cesare da Sesto, oil on wood panel, 1477-1523, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
The Mocking of Christ by RiberaThe Mocking of Christ by Jusepe de Ribera, 1591-1652, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca Di Brera
The Noseda Madonna by ZenaleThe Noseda Madonna by Bernardo Zenale, ca. 1436-1526, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Adoration of the Magi by Jean de BeerAdoration of the Magi Jean de Beer, oil on Board, (1504-1536), Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Madonna and Child with Saints by CarianiMadonna and Child with Saints by Giovanni Busi Cariani, 16th century
Martyrdom of Saint Vitalis by Frederico Barocci, oil on canvas, 1583, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Saint Peter and Saint John the Evangelist by Giovanni Agostino da Lodi, oil on board, 16th century, Italy, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera
Madonna and Child by Bocaccino Boccaccio, oil on wood panel, (1467-1524), Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Saint Ludovico by Filippo MazzolaSaint Ludovico, by Filippo Mazzola, oil on wood panel, (1503-1540), Casa di Riposo