Luncheon of the Boating Party by RenoirLuncheon of the Boating Party 1881 Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919 French) Oil on canvas Phillips Collection, Washington D.C. USA
Hands of tattooed man using smartphone, close-up
Woman hand reading braille text
Marching, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Latrobe Landscape 1937 Mary Martha Himler Oil On Canvas Steidle Collection, College of Earth & Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
White Flight 2005 Gil Mayers (b)White Flight 2005 Gil Mayers (b.1947 American) Acrylic On Panel Private Collection
Medger Evers Murder, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Distinguished Air by DemuthDistinguished Air 1930 Charles Demuth (1883-1935 American) Watercolor Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. USA
Dinner in the House of Pharisee by VeroneseDinner in the House of the Pharisee Paolo Veronese (1528-1588 Italian) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy
Crowd In Color by OngCrowd In Color 1998 Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer graphics
The Third Of May 1808 In GoyaThe Third Of May 1808 In Madrid: The Executions on Principe Pio Hill 1814 Francisco Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828 Spanish) Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Brown vs. Board of Ed, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
Recovery of a Society by Kasimir MalevichRecovery of a Society 1908 Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935/Russian) Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg
Sit In, 2005, Gil Mayers (b.1947/American), Collage
4311, 4311-228An Almost Grown Cub Greets Her Mother
4311, 4311-242A Colony of Nesting Yellow-Billed Storks High Atop an Acacia Tree
A Young Adult Olive Baboon Sitting on a Tree Stump
4311, 4311-244An Olive Baboon Mother Looks After Her Juvenile
4311, 4311-177A Male Olive Baboon Pulls Babysitter Duty
A Female Olive Baboon Grooms a Male Baboon
4311, 4311-182A Pride of Lions Rests After a Large Meal
Pigeons on lamp post
The Wedding at Cana by VeroneseThe Wedding at Cana c. 1570 Veronese (Paolo Caliari) 1528-1588/Venetian Musee du Louvre, Paris
Family of Peasants by Louis Le NainFamily of Peasants (Famille de Paysans) 1642 Louis Le Nain (c. 1593-1648/French) Musee du Louvre, Paris