Violaceous Jay (Cyanocorax violaceus). Hato La Aurora Reserve, Los Llanos, Colombia
Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) (also known as Jesus Chris Lizard) in forest understorey. Paujil Nature Reserve, Magdalena Valley, Colombia
White-fronted Capuchin Monkey (Cebus albifrons) in forest canopy. Paujil Nature Reserve, Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Common Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) along the Napo River, Amazon Basin, Ecuador, South America
Giant Otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) running along the shore of the Paraguay River, Taiama Reserve, western Pantanal, Brazil
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) (also called Stinkbird or Canje pheasant) in river-side vegetation. Hato La Aurora Reserve, Los Llanos, Colombia
Male Jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) walking along the bank of the Tres Irmos River (Three Brothers River), a tributary of the Cuiaba River
Female Jaguar (Panthera onca palustris) walking along the bank of the Cuiaba River. Near Porto Jofre, northern Pantanal, Mato Grosso State, Brazil
American Wood Storks (Mycteria americana), Roseate Spoonbills (Ajaia ajaja) and Great Egrets (Ardea alba) at mixed roost on the edge of the Paraguay River. Taiama Ecological Reserve, Pantanal, Brazil
Adult Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (sometimes called Ant Bear) walking across open savannah with Brahman or Brahma Cattle ((Bos primigenius indicus) (a breed of Zebu Cattle )
Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) flying into roost site at dusk. Hato La Aurora Reserve, Los Llanos, Colombia
Adult Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (sometimes called Giant Ant Bear) foraging in palm savannah grasslands. Southern Pantanal, Moto Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. September
Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) in flight. Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, Chile
Juvenile Colombian Red-tailed Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor constrictor) moving along a barbed wire fence. Unamas Reserve and Ranch, Los Llanos, Colombia
Jabiru Stork (Jabiru mycteria) catching a fish (Pacu) on the edge of the Paraguay River. Taiama Ecological Reserve, Pantanal, Brazil
Adult Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (sometimes called Giant Ant Bear) foraging. Southern Pantanal, Moto Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. September
Male Southern Great Grebe (Podiceps major) on freshwater lake. Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, Chile
Darwin's or Lesser Rhea (Ptercnemia pennata). Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, Chile
Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) outside burrow. Hato La Aurora Reserve, Los Llanos, Colombia
Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) in a lagoon off the Paraguay River, Taiama Reserve, western Pantanal, Brazil
Roseate Spoonbills (Ajaia ajaja) (sometimes Platalea ajaja). On the edge of the Paraguay River. Taiama Ecological Reserve, Pantanal, Brazil
Two Pairs of Red-and-Green Macaws or Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloropterus) (Family Psittacidae) in flight above the gorge at Vu de Noiva. Chapada dos Guimares, Brasil
Male and female Horned Screamers (Anhima cornuta) feeding in marsh / swamp grasslands. Hato La Aurora Reserve, Los Llanos, Colombia
Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus). Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, Chile
Troschel's Tree Frog or the Convict Tree Frog (Hypsiboas calcaratus) in forest understorey at night. Paujil Nature Reserve, Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Female Brown Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus) in forest canopy. Paujil Nature Reserve, Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Colombia-Venezuala endemic. Critically Engangered
Sparkling Violetear (Colibri coruscans) at Jardin Encantado (The Enchanted Garden), mid-elevation Andes, outside Bogota, Colombia (composite image)
Adult male Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in swamp / marsh area. Mato Grosso do Sul, southern Pantanal
Colombian Purple Bloom Tarantula (Xenesthis immanis) climbing a tree. Paujil Nature Reserve, Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Endemic
Giant Otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) in a lagoon off the Paraguay River, Taiama Reserve, western Pantanal, Brazil