Doryphoros, Spear-Bearer, by copy from Policleto, 450 - 430, 5th Century, white marble, full relief. Italy: Campania: Naples: National Archaeological Museum. Detail
Doryphoros, Spear-Bearer, by copy from Policleto, 450 - 430, 5th Century, white marble, full relief. Italy: Campania: Naples: National Archaeological Museum. Whole artwork
Angel Guariento di Arpo (ca.1338-ca.1378 Italian) Oil On Board Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
St. Andrew Led to the Torture Guido Reni (1575-1642 Italian) Oratory of St. Andrew in San Gregorio Magno, Rome Italy
Saint Lucy Dragged To The Brothel Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory of San Giorgio, Padua, Italy
Battle of San Romano by UccelloBattle of San Romano ca. 1455 Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)(1397-1475 Italian) Tempera on wood panel Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
The Betrayal of Christ by BoschThe Betrayal of Christ Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516 Netherlandish)
Triumph of Diana by GuardiTriumph of Diana Antonio Guardi (1698-1760 Italian) Museo Correr, Venice, Italy
Martyrdom of Saint George by AltichieroMartyrdom of Saint George Altichiero (14th C. Italian) Oratory or Saint George, Padua, Italy
Interior of the Hut of a Mandan Chief "Travels in North America" by M. van de Weis Bodmer Prints
Winter VillangeWinter Village of The Minatarres "Travels in North America" by M. van de Weis Bodmer Prints Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Angel by di ArpoAngel by Guariento di Arpo, tempera on board, 1354, 1338-1378, Italy, Padua, Civic Museum
Angel Guariento di Arpo (ca.1338-ca.1378/Italian) Oil On Board Museo Civico, Padua, Italy
Capture of Saint George by AltichieroCapture of Saint George Altichiero (active 1369-1388 Italian) Oratory of Saint George, Padua, Italy
The Resurrection of Jesus by HoffmannThe Resurrection of Jesus Heinrich Hoffmann (1824-1911 German)
St. George Killing the Dragon by CarpaccioSt. George Killing the Dragon Vittore Carpaccio (ca.1455-1526 Italian) Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giogio e Trifone Venice
Young Daughter Picts Jacques Le Moyne De MorguesA Young Daughter of the Picts, Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, ca. 1533-before 1588, French, active in England from ca.1580. Formerly attributed to John White, active 1585-1593, British, ca
Charon by Pedro RovialeCharon (Caronte) Fresco Pedro Roviale (Spanish/1511-1582) Castel Capuano, Napoli
Story of St. Colomba (Detail)Story of Saint Colomba, (Circa 1450)