Smiling and almost without sign of strain, Joan bends a piece of steel. When a Frenchman accused her of faking her act, she twisted a bar around his neck and left him to work his way out of it alone
Young woman with mandala back tattoo at rock climbing wall
Boy putting bandages on his hands before a boxing match
Latino boy resting after his workout
The American Cincinnatus, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930 American)
Kew Gardens Hermes'. Statue of Hermes, the patron god of the gymnasium. Roman, 1st century AD copy of a Greek original from 330-300 BC
A swimmer in a wetsuit and swimming hat, adjusting his swimming goggles
BLD071138Hispanic men dressed as Mexican wrestlers
Jockeys by DegasJockeys Edgar Degas (1834-1917 French) Drawing
1199, 1199-138Close-up of a soccer player kicking a soccer ball
1166, 1166-3217ASide profile of a mid adult man playing basketball
Sixteen Dancers by Peter SicklesSixteen Dancers Peter Sickles (20th C. American)
Swing by Ken ToyamaSwing Ken Toyama (20th C.)
Osceola (Seminole) by Charles Bird KingOsceola (Seminole) Charles Bird King (1785-1862/American) Lithograph Private Collection
Dog Running With Chew Stick, Silhouette
1099, 1099-249Side profile of a female gymnast stretching on a balance beam
Muscular Hispanic man wearing tank top with Strong" tattoo on his bicep, Straining to pull semi truck with large tow rope
White Cloud, Chief of the Iowas by George CatlinWhite Cloud, Chief of the Iowas George Catlin (1794-1872/American) Oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C
Pony War Dance by RemingtonPony War Dance Frederic Remington (1861-1909 American)
1128, 1128-876Young man swimming the butterfly stroke
BLD189532African woman lifting hand weight
BLD071136Hispanic man dressed as Mexican wrestler
BLD069798Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD069801Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling mask
BLD069803Hispanic men wearing Mexican wrestling costumes
BLD069807Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD069805Hispanic woman wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD038782Multi-ethnic male swimmers outdoors
BLD069799Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD069804Hispanic woman wearing Mexican wrestling costume
BLD069806Hispanic man wearing Mexican wrestling costume
4316, 4316-3419An American Bison, also known as an American Buffalo (Bison bison), on the plains of northern Colorado, defecating
An American Bison, also known as an American Buffalo (Bison bison), grazing on the plains of northern Colorado
Canada, Alberta, Rocky Mountains, Jasper National Park, Side view of male Elk
Canada, Alberta, Rocky Mountains, Jasper National Park, Front view of male Elk
Canada, Alberta, Mountain Sheep in Jasper National Park
Boulders on the beachRocks and boulders on the beach against cloudy sky
High angle view of a person cycling on a mountain
Discus Thrower (Discobolus) c. 450 Marble Museo delle Terme, Rome
Close up of mountain lion drinking water
Rusty ChainsClose up of rusty chains hanging against side of ship
A Great Blue Heron Stretches its Wings in Preparation for Flight
Bulldog, AKC, 3-year-old Tonka photographed at Randi's studio and owned by Billy and Miranda Daniell of Wasilla, Alaska
Lion by RembrandtLion 17th C. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669/Dutch) Musee du Louvre, Paris