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Support Collection

Background imageSupport Collection: Portrait of a young couple playing in a swimming pool with their daughter

Portrait of a young couple playing in a swimming pool with their daughter

Background imageSupport Collection: Wellesley Grey Arabian Led Desert Jacques-Laurent Agasse

Wellesley Grey Arabian Led Desert Jacques-Laurent Agasse
The Wellesley Grey Arabian Led through the Desert, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849, Swiss, active in Britain (from 1800), ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Pheasant Shooting Samuel John Egbert Jones Active 1820-1845

Pheasant Shooting Samuel John Egbert Jones Active 1820-1845
Pheasant Shooting, Samuel John Egbert Jones, active 1820-1845, British, mid-19th century, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 10 x 12 1/8 inches (25.4 x 30.8 cm), autumn, birds, dog (animal), guns

Background imageSupport Collection: Setter Facing Left Partridge Hiding Burdocks

Setter Facing Left Partridge Hiding Burdocks
A Setter: Facing Left, with a Partridge Hiding among Burdocks on the Left, Unknown artist, nineteenth century, after Philip Reinagle, 1749-1833, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Fighting Cocks Pale-Breasted Fighting Cock Facing Rght

Fighting Cocks Pale-Breasted Fighting Cock Facing Rght
Fighting Cocks: a Pale-Breasted Fighting Cock, Facing Rght, John Frederick Herring, 1795-1865, British, 1829, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 9 1/8 8 inches (23.2 20.3 cm), animal art, rooster

Background imageSupport Collection: Two Hares Hillside Nineteenth Century Philip Reinagle

Two Hares Hillside Nineteenth Century Philip Reinagle
Two Hares: On a Hillside, Unknown artist, nineteenth century, after Philip Reinagle, 1749-1833, British, ca. 1805, Enamel on porcelain, Support (PTG): 5 6 3/4 inches (12.7 17.1 cm), animal art, hares

Background imageSupport Collection: Fighting Cocks Dark-Breasted Fighting Cock Facing Left

Fighting Cocks Dark-Breasted Fighting Cock Facing Left
Fighting Cocks: a Dark-Breasted Fighting Cock, Facing Left, John Frederick Herring, 1795-1865, British, 1829, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 9 1/8 8 inches (23.2 20.3 cm), animal art, rooster

Background imageSupport Collection: Jay Green Woodpecker Pigeons Redstart Francis Barlow

Jay Green Woodpecker Pigeons Redstart Francis Barlow
Jay, Green Woodpecker, Pigeons, and Redstart, Francis Barlow, ca. 1626-1704, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: BLD013407

Close up of baby's hand holding adult's hand

Background imageSupport Collection: BLD013406

Close up of baby's hand holding adult's hand

Background imageSupport Collection: Job Visited by His Wife by La Tour

Job Visited by His Wife by La Tour
Job Visited by His Wife 17th C. Georges de La Tour (1593-1652/French) Musee des Beau-Arts, Epinal

Background imageSupport Collection: America II by Ong

America II by Ong
America II Diana Ong (b.1940/Chinese-American) Computer graphics

Background imageSupport Collection: Lady Betty Germain Bedroom Knole Kent James Holland

Lady Betty Germain Bedroom Knole Kent James Holland
The Lady Betty Germain Bedroom at Knole, Kent, James Holland, 1799-1870, British, 1845, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 27 x 37 1/2 inches (68.6 x 95.3 cm), bedroom, book, candles, chairs, costume

Background imageSupport Collection: Teyoninhokarawen Major John Norton Mather Brown

Teyoninhokarawen Major John Norton Mather Brown
Teyoninhokarawen (Major John Norton), Mather Brown, 1761-1831, American, active in Britain, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Kinchinjunga Edward Lear 1812-1888 British

Kinchinjunga Edward Lear 1812-1888 British
Kinchinjunga, Edward Lear, 1812-1888, British, 1877, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 9 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches (24.1 x 36.8 cm), forest, landscape, mountain, rocks (landforms), snow, trees, Himalayas

Background imageSupport Collection: Male Nude Kneeling Back Attributed William Etty

Male Nude Kneeling Back Attributed William Etty
Male Nude, Kneeling, from the Back, Attributed to William Etty, 1787-1849, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Launching Deptford John Cleveley Elder Ca 1712-1777

Launching Deptford John Cleveley Elder Ca 1712-1777
Launching at Deptford, John Cleveley the elder, ca. 1712-1777, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Warships Lying Offshore Commanding Admiral Rowed Out

Warships Lying Offshore Commanding Admiral Rowed Out
Warships Lying Offshore, the Commanding Admiral Being Rowed out to Join the Flagship, Her Sails Illuminated by a Break in the Clouds, Charles Martin Powell, 1775 -1824, British, early 19th century

Background imageSupport Collection: English Merchant Ship Malabar William Clark

English Merchant Ship Malabar William Clark
The English Merchant Ship Malabar, William Clark, 1803-1883, British, 1836, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 24 1/4 36 inches (61.6 91.4 cm), boat, brig, checked, checkered, English, flags, lighthouse

Background imageSupport Collection: Peacock Peahen Parrots Canary Birds Park Jacob Bogdani

Peacock Peahen Parrots Canary Birds Park Jacob Bogdani
Peacock, peahen, parrots, canary, and other birds in a park, Jacob Bogdani, 1660-1724, Hungarian, active in Britain (from 1688), between 1708 and 1710, Oil on canvas

Background imageSupport Collection: Conway Castle Sir George Howland Beaumont Seventh Baronet

Conway Castle Sir George Howland Beaumont Seventh Baronet
Conway Castle, Sir George Howland Beaumont seventh Baronet, 1753-1827, British, 1809, Oil on board, Support (PTG): 28 3/4 x 22 inches (73 x 55.9 cm), architectural subject, boulders

Background imageSupport Collection: Bay Horse Approached Stable-Lad Food Halter George Garrard

Bay Horse Approached Stable-Lad Food Halter George Garrard
A Bay Horse Approached by a Stable-Lad with Food and a Halter, George Garrard, 1760-1826, British, 1789, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 24 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches (61.6 x 74.9 cm), animal art, boy

Background imageSupport Collection: Wave C R W Nevinson 1889-1946 British 1917

Wave C R W Nevinson 1889-1946 British 1917
The Wave, C. R. W

Background imageSupport Collection: BLD002844

Young female twins hugging each other

Background imageSupport Collection: Countess Effingham Gun Shooting Dogs George Haugh

Countess Effingham Gun Shooting Dogs George Haugh
The Countess of Effingham with Gun and Shooting Dogs, George Haugh, 1756-1827, British, 1787, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 17 1/4 x 15 inches (43.8 x 38.1 cm), animals, chemise, dogs (animals)

Background imageSupport Collection: Marcia Pitt Brother George Pitt Later Second Baron Rivers

Marcia Pitt Brother George Pitt Later Second Baron Rivers
Marcia Pitt and Her Brother George Pitt, Later second Baron Rivers, Riding in the Park at Stratfield Saye House, Hampshire, Thomas Gooch, 1750-1802, British, 1782, Oil on canvas

Background imageSupport Collection: Rough-Coated Collie James Ward 1769-1859 British

Rough-Coated Collie James Ward 1769-1859 British
Rough-Coated Collie, James Ward, 1769-1859, British, 1809, Oil on board, Support (PTG): 10 x 16 inches (25.4 x 40.6 cm), animal art, beach, dog (animal), hills, landscape, sea, shells

Background imageSupport Collection: Turk Greyhound Property George Lane Fox George Garrard

Turk Greyhound Property George Lane Fox George Garrard
Turk, a greyhound, the property of George Lane Fox, George Garrard, 1760-1826, British, 1822, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 11 3/4 x 14 inches (29.8 x 35.6 cm), dog (animal), greyhound, portrait

Background imageSupport Collection: Gentleman Driving Tandem Jaunting Car Edwin W

Gentleman Driving Tandem Jaunting Car Edwin W
A Gentleman Driving Tandem to a Jaunting Car, Edwin W. Cooper of Beccles, (previously Edward Cooper), 1785-1833, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Golding Constable's Black Riding-Horse Attributed

Golding Constable's Black Riding-Horse Attributed
Golding Constable's Black Riding-Horse, Attributed to John Constable, 1776-1837, British, between 1805 and 1810, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 14 x 18 1/4 inches (35.6 x 46.4 cm), animal

Background imageSupport Collection: Foxhunting Encouraging Hounds John Frederick Herring

Foxhunting Encouraging Hounds John Frederick Herring
Foxhunting: Encouraging Hounds, John Frederick Herring, 1795-1865, British, 1839, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 10 x 12 inches (25.4 x 30.5 cm), costume, dogs (animals), horse (animal), hunting

Background imageSupport Collection: Mrs Cibber Cordelia Pieter Van Bleeck 1700-1764

Mrs Cibber Cordelia Pieter Van Bleeck 1700-1764
Mrs. Cibber as Cordelia, Pieter van Bleeck, 1700-1764, Dutch, active in Britain (from 1723), 1755, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 84 x 82 inches (213.4 x 208.3 cm), actors, clouds, costume, disguise

Background imageSupport Collection: Two Greyhounds Landscape Charles Hancock 1802-1877

Two Greyhounds Landscape Charles Hancock 1802-1877
Two Greyhounds in a Landscape, Charles Hancock, 1802-1877, British, between 1830 and 1850, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 27 x 34 inches (68.6 x 86.4 cm), dogs (animals), greyhounds (breed)

Background imageSupport Collection: Exercise Haute Ecole Passage Left Wall Vanderbank

Exercise Haute Ecole Passage Left Wall Vanderbank
An Exercise in Haute Ecole: the Passage to the Left along a Wall, after Vanderbank, unknown artist, nineteenth century, Formerly attributed to James Seymour, 1702-1752, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: George Lane Fox's Winning Greyhounds Black White Greyhound Bitch

George Lane Fox's Winning Greyhounds Black White Greyhound Bitch
One of George Lane Fox's Winning Greyhounds: the Black and White Greyhound Bitch, Juno, also called Elizabeth, George Garrard, 1760-1826, British, 1822, Oil on panel

Background imageSupport Collection: Phaeton Pair Cream Ponies Stable-Lad George Stubbs

Phaeton Pair Cream Ponies Stable-Lad George Stubbs
Phaeton with a Pair of Cream Ponies and a Stable-Lad, George Stubbs, 1724-1806, British, between 1780 and 1784, beeswax and oil on panel, Support (PTG): 35 1/4 x 53 1/2 inches (89.5 x 135.9 cm), boy

Background imageSupport Collection: Dandie Dinmont Terrier John E Ferneley Jr. 1815-1862

Dandie Dinmont Terrier John E Ferneley Jr. 1815-1862
A Dandie Dinmont Terrier, John E. Ferneley Jr

Background imageSupport Collection: Lion Attacking Stag George Stubbs 1724-1806

Lion Attacking Stag George Stubbs 1724-1806
A Lion Attacking a Stag, George Stubbs, 1724-1806, British, between 1765 and 1766, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 96 x 131 inches (243.8 x 332.7 cm), allegory, animal art, Cervidae (family), claws

Background imageSupport Collection: Duchess York's Spaniel Henry Bernard Chalon 1771-1849

Duchess York's Spaniel Henry Bernard Chalon 1771-1849
The Duchess of York's Spaniel, Henry Bernard Chalon, 1771-1849, British, 1804, Oil on millboard, Support (PTG): 7 x 8 5/8 inches (17.8 x 21.9 cm), animal art, dog (animal), Spaniel

Background imageSupport Collection: Bay Horse Field Edmund Bristow 1787-1876 British

Bay Horse Field Edmund Bristow 1787-1876 British
A Bay Horse in a Field, Edmund Bristow, 1787-1876, British, ca. 1825, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 21 x 25 inches (53.3 x 63.5 cm), animal, building, field, hills, landscape, rural

Background imageSupport Collection: Grey Pony Black Charger Stable Jacques-Laurent Agasse

Grey Pony Black Charger Stable Jacques-Laurent Agasse
A Grey Pony and a Black Charger in a Stable, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849, Swiss, active in Britain (from 1800), 1804, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 25 x 30 inches (63.5 x 76.2 cm), animal art

Background imageSupport Collection: Bay Horse Field John Boultbee 1753-1812 British

Bay Horse Field John Boultbee 1753-1812 British
A Bay Horse in a Field, John Boultbee, 1753-1812, British, 1778, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 26 1/4 x 41 inches (66.7 x 104.1 cm), animal, barn, country (rural landscape), fence, field

Background imageSupport Collection: Study Grey Horse Jacques-Laurent Agasse 1767-1849

Study Grey Horse Jacques-Laurent Agasse 1767-1849
Study of a Grey Horse, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849, Swiss, active in Britain (from 1800), ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Grey Arab Stallion Desert Landscape John Boultbee

Grey Arab Stallion Desert Landscape John Boultbee
A Grey Arab Stallion in a Desert Landscape, John Boultbee, 1753-1812, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Grouse Shooting Henry Thomas Alken 1785-1851

Grouse Shooting Henry Thomas Alken 1785-1851
Grouse Shooting, Henry Thomas Alken, 1785-1851, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Denham Place Buckinghamshire Seventeenth Century

Denham Place Buckinghamshire Seventeenth Century
Denham Place, Buckinghamshire, unknown artist, seventeenth century, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Studies Fox Barn Owl Peahen Head Young Man Jacques-Laurent Agasse

Studies Fox Barn Owl Peahen Head Young Man Jacques-Laurent Agasse
Studies of a Fox, a Barn Owl, a Peahen, and the Head of a Young Man, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849, Swiss, active in Britain (from 1800), ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Study Fox Jacques-Laurent Agasse 1767-1849

Study Fox Jacques-Laurent Agasse 1767-1849
Study of a Fox, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1767-1849, Swiss, active in Britain (from 1800), between 1810 and 1830, Oil on paper laid to board, Support (PTG): 6 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches (15.9 x 21.6 cm)

Background imageSupport Collection: Self-Portrait William Keeble 1714-1774 British

Self-Portrait William Keeble 1714-1774 British
Self-Portrait, William Keeble, 1714-1774, British, 1748, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 30 1/8 25 inches (76.5 63.5 cm), artist, braid, coat, costume, hand, man, portrait, self-portrait

Background imageSupport Collection: Philae Egypt Edward Lear 1812-1888 British

Philae Egypt Edward Lear 1812-1888 British
Philae, Egypt, Edward Lear, 1812-1888, British, 1863, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 10 13/16 x 21 inches (27.5 x 53.3 cm), buildings, island, landscape, mountains, river, rocks (landforms), Africa

Background imageSupport Collection: Portrait Woman Traditionally Identified Mary Clopton

Portrait Woman Traditionally Identified Mary Clopton
Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton (born Waldegrave), of Kentwell Hall, Suffolk, Robert Peake the Elder, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: Patrick Heatly Johan Joseph Zoffany RA 1733-1810

Patrick Heatly Johan Joseph Zoffany RA 1733-1810
Patrick Heatly, Johan Joseph Zoffany RA, 1733-1810, German, active in Britain (from 1760), between 1783 and 1787, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 38 x 32 1/4 inches (96.5 x 81.9 cm), costume

Background imageSupport Collection: Augustus Egg Richard Dadd 1817-1886 British

Augustus Egg Richard Dadd 1817-1886 British
Augustus Egg, Richard Dadd, 1817-1886, British, between 1838 and 1840, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 25 1/4 x 19 1/2 inches (64.1 x 49.5 cm), costume, hat, man, painter, portrait

Background imageSupport Collection: Water Spaniel George Stubbs 1724-1806 British

Water Spaniel George Stubbs 1724-1806 British
Water Spaniel, George Stubbs, 1724-1806, British, 1769, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 35 1/2 x 46 inches (90.2 x 116.8 cm), animal, brown, dog (animal), life-size, small, Spaniel, sporting art, white

Background imageSupport Collection: Grace Rose Frederick Sandys 1829-1904 British

Grace Rose Frederick Sandys 1829-1904 British
Grace Rose, Frederick Sandys, 1829-1904, British, 1866, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 22 x 17 7/8 inches (55.9 x 45.4 cm), botany, bracelet, coat of arms, collar, costume, crest, decorative, earrings

Background imageSupport Collection: Cambrian Road Richmond Spencer Frederick Gore

Cambrian Road Richmond Spencer Frederick Gore
Cambrian Road, Richmond, Spencer Frederick Gore, 1878-1914, British, 1913 to 1914, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 16 x 20 inches (40.6 x 50.8 cm), autumn, bushes, city, cityscape, dwellings, gate

Background imageSupport Collection: Sir William Drury Hawstead Suffolk 1550-1590

Sir William Drury Hawstead Suffolk 1550-1590
Sir William Drury, of Hawstead, Suffolk (1550-1590), Danil van den Queborne, 1552/1557-1602/1605, Dutch, 1587, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 93 3/4 x 61 1/2 inches (238.1 x 156.2 cm)

Background imageSupport Collection: Balcony Yokohama Edward Atkinson Hornel 1864-1933

Balcony Yokohama Edward Atkinson Hornel 1864-1933
The Balcony, Yokohama, Edward Atkinson Hornel, 1864-1933, British, 1894, Oil on canvas laid down on panel, Support (PTG): 16 x 19 7/8 inches (40.6 x 50.5 cm), balcony, boats, city, clouds, dock, fan

Background imageSupport Collection: Portrait Mary Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk Hans Eworth

Portrait Mary Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk Hans Eworth
Portrait of Mary Fitzalan, Duchess of Norfolk, Hans Eworth, active 1540-1574, British, born in Antwerp, Netherlands, 1565, Oil on panel, Support (PTG): 35 x 28 inches (88.9 x 71.1 cm), belt, chain

Background imageSupport Collection: Oberon Titania Midsummer Night's Dream Act IV

Oberon Titania Midsummer Night's Dream Act IV
Oberon and Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act IV, Scene i, Thomas Stothard, 1755-1834, British, 1806, Oil on paper mounted on board, Support (PTG): 5 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (14.6 x 14 cm)

Background imageSupport Collection: Buck Washing Datchet Mead Merry Wives Windsor

Buck Washing Datchet Mead Merry Wives Windsor
Buck Washing on Datchet Mead from The Merry Wives of Windsor, III, v, John S

Background imageSupport Collection: Passing Great Emancipation Act George Jones 1786-1869

Passing Great Emancipation Act George Jones 1786-1869
The Passing of the Great Emancipation Act, George Jones, 1786-1869, British, ca

Background imageSupport Collection: John Michael Rysbrack Modelling Terra-Cotta Statue

John Michael Rysbrack Modelling Terra-Cotta Statue
John Michael Rysbrack Modelling His Terra-Cotta Statue of Hercules, Andrea Soldi, 1703-1771, Italian, active in Britain (from ca)

Background imageSupport Collection: Pumpkin Stable-lad George Stubbs 1724-1806

Pumpkin Stable-lad George Stubbs 1724-1806
Pumpkin with a Stable-lad, George Stubbs, 1724-1806, British, 1774, beeswax and oil on panel, Support (PTG): 32 3/8 x 39 7/8 inches (82.2 x 101.3 cm), animal art, autumn, boy, breeches, buckles

Background imageSupport Collection: Sandy feet

Sandy feet
Three pair of sandy feet in the air at lake edge

Background imageSupport Collection: Low angle view of a suspension bridge lit up at night

Low angle view of a suspension bridge lit up at night, Roebling Suspension Bridge, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Background imageSupport Collection: Deposition of Christ

Deposition of Christ Jacopo Tintoretto (1519-1594 Italian) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy

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