Theatre of Augsburg and sculpture Ostern, Kennedyplatz (square), Augsburg, Swabian, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
A Woman in Blue by Thomas GainsburoughA Woman in Blue, Portrait of the Duchess of Beaufort Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788/British) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Details of the decorative design of the National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan
Mrs Cibber Cordelia Pieter Van Bleeck 1700-1764Mrs. Cibber as Cordelia, Pieter van Bleeck, 1700-1764, Dutch, active in Britain (from 1723), 1755, Oil on canvas, Support (PTG): 84 x 82 inches (213.4 x 208.3 cm), actors, clouds, costume, disguise
Opera Reminiscences Desdemona Otello Print William HeathOpera Reminiscences: Desdemona and Otello, Print made by William Heath, 1795-1840, British, Published by Thomas McLean, 1788-1875, British, 1829, Etching, hand-colored on moderately thick
Reconstruction Proscenium Theater HierapolisReconstruction of the Proscenium of the Theater at Hierapolis, Giovanni Battista Borra, 1713-1770, Italian, ca
Design Haymarket Theatre Battle Hexham ColmanDesign for the Haymarket Theatre: The Battle of Hexham, by Colman the Younger, Michael Angelo Rooker, 1746-1801, British, 1789, Watercolor and gray ink over graphite on moderately thick
Oberon Titania Midsummer Night's Dream Act IVOberon and Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act IV, Scene i, Thomas Stothard, 1755-1834, British, 1806, Oil on paper mounted on board, Support (PTG): 5 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (14.6 x 14 cm)
Buck Washing Datchet Mead Merry Wives WindsorBuck Washing on Datchet Mead from The Merry Wives of Windsor, III, v, John S
Young Roscius Print J B. 1804 Hand-colored EtchingThe Young Roscius, Print made by unknown artist, ( J. B)
Teatro Olimpico particolare Andrea Palladio (1508-1580 Italian) Pinacoteca Sabauda, Torino, Italy
Low angle view of flags flying on the balcony of the National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan