Rottweiler, AKC, 8-week-old puppy Bayne photographed at Creamer's Field in Fairbanks, Alaska and owned by Leah Ingram of Wasilla, Alaska
Mastiff, AKC, 1 1/2-year-old Doug photographed in Palmer, Alaska and owned by Kelli Schwab of Anchorage, Alaska
Doberman Pinschers, AKC, 4-year-old Nemo and 2 1/2-old Dorey photographed in Anchorage, Alaska and owned by Martha Logan of Hermosa Beach, California
English Bulldog, AKC, five-month-old Axle owned by Tina and Chris Boren of Wasilla, Alaska and photographed in hayfield near Palmer, Alaska
Akita, AKC, 3-year-old Skyler photographed in Palmer, Alaska and owned by Kathy Petrina 0f Wasilla, Alaska
Doberman Pinscher, AKC, 2 1/2-old Dorey photographed in Anchorage, Alaska and owned by Martha Logan of Hermosa Beach, California
Bernese Mountain Dogs, AKC, 6 1/2-week-old puppies photographed at Randi's studio and owned by Tracy Hopper-Corneliussen of Wasilla, Alaska
Siberian Husky, AKC, 7-week-old puppy photographed at Randi's Studio and owned by Ron Adler and Susan Weston of Anchorage, Alaska
Shiba Inu, AKC, 10-month-old Kenai photographed in Palmer, Alaska and owned by Jan Johnson of Soldotna, Alaska
Alaskan Malamutes, AKC, 7-week-old puppies photographed at Randi's Studio and owned by Gidget Hagar of Fairbanks, Alaska