"Here Goes!" -- Sally, young Malay bear at the London Zoo, is certainly salvage-conscious - but only insofar as the bin sometimes yields a titbit worth having. With a final glance around to see if the coast is clear, she goes in for a "lucky dip"
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"Here Goes!" -- Sally, young Malay bear at the London Zoo, is certainly salvage-conscious - but only insofar as the bin sometimes yields a titbit worth having. With a final glance around to see if the coast is clear, she goes in for a "lucky dip"
"Here Goes!" -- Sally, young Malay bear at the London Zoo, is certainly salvage-conscious - but only insofar as the bin sometimes yields a titbit worth having. With a final glance around to see if the coast is clear, she goes in for a "lucky dip". March 08, 1948
Media ID 39909193
© Sydney Morning Herald
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